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There are very many direct reasons but currently the very great majority are ultimately caused by man. Reasons include - introduced predators, introduced competitors (for food, nest sites, habitat etc.), introduced disease, direct persecution, loss of habitat for any one of countless reasons, etc etc etc

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Q: What is the cause of that animals that can be extinct?
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Who causes the extinction of animals?

Of course humans cause animals to go extinct

Are there any extinct animals in the Sahara Desert?

Extinct means the animals no longer exist so there can be no extinct animals in the Sahara. If there were, they would not be extinct.

What happens after a major extinction?

If an animal has become extinct the animals preys population would grow this would cause the preys prey to become endangered or extinct. The animals predator would not have as much to eat.

What could be causing the increase in insects populations?

the cause of the insect population increasing is that the animals are becoming extinct.

What is meant by some extinct animals?

Extinct means the animals no longer exist. There are many extinct animals, from dinosaurs to dodos.

Which animals are exitincted?

Millions of animals have been extinct even scientist don't know the number of animals have been extinct, or the names of animals have been extinct.

What harm does the round goby have?

They cause harm to the environment because they eat animals thar are soon to be extinct

Why is animals becoming extinct not a good idea?

Because it disrupts the food web and can ultimately cause the extinction of other animals which cause even more problems etc. etc. etc.

Are there extinct animals in the desert?

Nope, because extinct animals do not exist anymore.

Are there any extinct animals in the Sahara?

No, not if they are extinct.

How do animals com extinct or endangered?


What will global warming do animals?

melts the polar icecaps and could cause climate change which could make many animals extinct around the world