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The chances are slim if you have been using the Birth Control as directed but Stranger Things have happened. I have never heard of anyone having all of these symptoms in a week of missing period. The best way to know is to go to the doctor and this way if your not pregnant they can find out what is going on the make you so uncomfortable. If you dont have the money for that the stores do offer good at home pregnancy test. You could have an infection of some sort. Good luck.

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Q: What is the chance of being pregnant if you have extreme fatigue itchy nipples bloating hemorrhoids dizziness and you are over a week late while on birth control?
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A young woman experiencing gas or gas pains could believe the bloating and "funny feeling" means she is pregnant. Currently, there is only one effective means of birth control, which is, no sex. And there are only two ways to find out if you are pregnant: testing or exam by a doctor.

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You can use treatments like Gas-X to control bloating. But if it is happening often you should contact a doctor.

How long does bloating last in pregnancy?

I don't think that birth control stops bloating. At least it doesn't work for me. I still blow up like a balloon a few days before my cycle and I have taken birth control pills for about 15 years.

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Yes. All birth control methods can fail. If you feel that you could be pregnant with an IUD in place you should take a home pregnancy test and/or see a Dr right away due to risks to you and to the baby.

You are on birth control and you keep getting your period but it just feels like im pregnant?

Technically the way you constructed your sentence you're not really asking a question but here's a possible explanation to what I think you might be asking. The way birth control pills work is that it tricks your body into thinking that it is already pregnant so that you don't ovulate. Hence the birth control box will state symptoms similar to pregnancy symptoms (i.e. bloating, nausea, vomiting, etc)

Can you get pregnant by taking birth control?

No, birth control is intended to prevent pregnancy. You can become pregnant while on birth control, as no method is 100% effective, but it isn't the birth control that makes you pregnant.

How do you recover from dizziness in Bomberman 64?

Spin the control stick around to get up faster.

When are women on birth control most prone to getting pregnant?

The purpose of a birth control pill is not to get pregnant, so they are not "prone" to getting pregnant. To get pregnant the pill has to be stopped.

Do you have to be pregnant to take birth control?

No, you should not be pregnant when taking birth control. Birth control is meant to lower the risk of pregnancy.

Do you stop your birth control pills if your pregnant?

Yes, if you're pregnant, there is no need for birth control pills.

How quick can you get pregnant when you start birth control?

Birth control is designed to prevent pregnancy, not help you get pregnant.

Can you get pregnant if you do not take birth control?

if you have sex and don't take birth control, you may get pregnant. Birth control reduces the risk of pregnancy.