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Compound is the chemical combination of 2 or more atoms in a fixed amount.

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2d ago

A molecule is formed when two or more atoms chemically combine in a fixed ratio. The atoms can be of the same element (diatomic molecules like O2) or different elements (such as H2O). The arrangement of atoms in a molecule is specific and gives the molecule its unique properties.

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Q: What is the chemical combination of 2 or more atoms in a fixed amount?
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The chemical combination of two or more atoms in fixed amounts is called?

... a molecule.

The chemical combination of two or more different atoms in fixed amounts is called?


What is any combination of two or more different kinds of atoms?

A molecule is any combination of two or more different kinds of atoms bonded together. These atoms can be the same or different elements.

Contains two or more elements in a fixed ratio?

A chemical compound that has a set number of atoms for each element. E.g. water H2O has the fixed ratio of 2:1, that is 2 hydrogen atoms to 1 oxygen atom, carbon dioxide CO2 has a fixed ratio of 1:2 (1 carbon atom to 2 oxygen atoms). It has to be fixed as if it isn't it makes a new compound/chemical.

What is a substance formed by the chemical combination of two or more elements in a fixed or definite ratio?

This is is a stoichiometric chemical compound.

What is made up of 2 different atoms in a fixed ratio?

A type of chemical molecule; ex.: water - H2O.

What are two or more different atoms are combined in definite proportion?

A simple definition is: a chemical compond has the elemental components in a fixed ratio.

What do we call a substance containing atoms of different elements in definite fixed ratios that are bonded together?

This statement might be a good definition of a chemical compound.

What is a chemical combination of two or more different elements joined together in a fixed proportion called?

It is called a compound

What is a fixed arrangement of atoms?


When can molecules form a compound?

One defining characteristic of a chemical compound is the inclusion of two or more chemical elements. When atoms of those different elements bond in a fixed ratio, the resulting molecules constitute a chemical compound. Molecules of a single chemical element (such as O2) are not considered compounds.

Does chemical potential changes as reaction proceeds?

yes,as gibbs free energy depends on temp. ,its value for a fixed amount of a substance change,so chemical potential changes with reaction.