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the chemical reaction is egg6786

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What is the chemical reaction for the formation of rubber?

The type of chemical reaction that takes place through the formation of the rubber is called the mechano-chemical reaction. Through this, it gives the end product a three dimensional structure.

Is frying an egg a chemical or physical reaction?

it is a chemical reaction because it is changing chemically.

Is turning an egg into a pancake a chemical or a physical reaction?

chemical -you cant turn the pancake back into an egg :)

When you fry an egg and it becomes solid is that a chemical reaction?

Yes, frying an egg is an example of a chemical change that is the result of chemical reactions.

Is an egg a chemical or physical reaction?

An eggs in not a reaction of any sort; it is an object.

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Is bolling an egg a phyical change or chemical reaction?

Irreversible chemical change.

Is frying an egg a synthesis reaction?

Frying an egg is a synthesis reaction. The combination of heat which causes a reaction in the egg whites creates a chemical reaction. When you take these simple components and create a complex reaction this is a prime example of a synthesis reaction.

What is the chemical reaction in frying egg?

its hard to return back