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According to the USDA nutritional database 100 grams of cooked tripe has 94 calories and 157 mg of cholesterol.

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Q: What is the cholesterol count and calorie count for tripe?
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Is tripe high in cholesterol?

Look in Apparently, tripe has relatively low cholesterol, and a good distribution of saturated v unsaturated lipids etc. My own personal experience with tripe soup (an eastern Mediterranean staple) is that when I cook tripe, practically no fat globules float up to the surface to be skimmed. The lipids table in the webpage above indicates why.

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Eating fast food in moderation is fine, though eating it for a week will probably bring your cholesterol and calorie count at a level that you do not want.

How do you count cholesterol?

Go 2 the doctor

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Are a measure of how much energy you get from a serving of food?

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Urine can have a calorie count as it is how dispelled nutrients leave your body. It is not a high calorie count, though. As food is digested and processed, your liver breaks it all up calorie wise. It then either uses or stores the calories for future energy.

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3 ounces of calves sweetbreads is 294 mg cholesterol

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there is 62

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The only reason Poquito Mas doesn't have a calorie count is because it has so many calories they don't want to tell you.

What does Kellogs LCM mean?

Take your pick, Low Carb/Calorie/Cholesterol Meal.

Does iron provide calorie's?

No. The amount of iron your body can absorb is too little to have a meaningful calorie count.

How many calories cause high cholesterol?

A calorie is a measure of heat (generated by eating) and cholesterol is a type of fat. There is no direct relation between the two.