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There are several climates.

Equatorial, Semi-Arid, Tropical, Highland Tropical, Subtropical and Subtropical Highland.

With regard to temperatures, the Northern region of Brazil has a warm climate with average annual temperatures ranging between 24 ° and 26 ° C in most of the year. In mountainous areas annual averages are below 24 ° C and along the lower and middle Amazon averages exceed 26 ° C

Northeast Region - Northeast Brazil is very hot with an annual average temperature range from 20° to 28° C. Areas located above 200m and in the eastern coastal temperatures range from 24 to 26° C. The annual averages below 20° C are found in higher areas of the Chapada Diamantina and Borborema. The city of Teresina is the one with the highest temperature during the whole year (around 38°C - to 45°C degrees), not so humid and no wind at all. There is even a fun situation on this city - they have a street with an open-air conditioner system! People walk around so they can refresh a little. There is also sprinklers all around the city to try to cool it down. Other areas are pretty dry too with high temperatures.

South Region - The south is a little differentiated from the rest of the country - it has a temperate climate, very humid (because of vast vegetation), hot during summer and quite cold in winter (not as cold as Europe or US in the winter but pretty cold compared to the rest of the country). Regarding the temperatures, winter is cold with a hot summer. There are a couple of cities that even get some snow. The average annual temperature is between 14 ° and 22 ° C in places above 1,100 m, about 10 ° C.

Southeast Region - The climate of this region is quite diverse with respect to temperature, according to three main factors: the latitudinal position, the topography and the influence of disturbed circulation systems.

Corresponds to a transition belt between warm climates of low latitudes and mesothermal climates of middle latitudes, but its strongest features are the tropical climate. The average annual temperature is between 20 ° C on the border between São Paulo and Paraná, at 24 ° C north of Minas Gerais.

Midwest - Where our capital (Brasilia) is located, it is a plateau area, with the 'cerrado' (a type of savannah) which makes the weather pretty dry (sometimes 6% - 8% relative humidity). Very hot weather during summer, and has 2 main characteristics: it rains though 4 straight months (December - March), sometimes even without a stop! Also, during April - June, we have the climate switch phenomena. Very cold in the morning (about 8°C - 10°C), very hot during midday (28°C - 35°C) and cold again at night. In the north and south ends of the area, the average annual temperature is 22° C in the highlands is between 20° and 22° C. The winter is mild, with the occurrence of low temperatures due to the invasion of polar air. The average temperature of the coldest month is between 15° and 24° C
Tropical climate (and Tropical Rainforest in some places on the north)

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Q: What is the climate like in Brazil?
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The significant coastal line , continental dimensions and geographical configuration influences Brazil's climate.

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It effects the food in the way it grows if it is very cold there then the food will die because most food in Brazil are crops grown on farms so in order for the crops to grow the climate would have to be warm and sometimes wet.

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Brazil's temperature changes thruout the year. It has a tropical climate

What is the climate of Brasilia in Brazil?

The climate of Brasilia in Brazil is considered to be average with no extreme weather conditions. The climate pattern is similar all year long with most times being warm.

What are some climate types in Brazil?

They have every type of climate, it depends on your location.