

What is the color blue taste like?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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14y ago

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Blue is a color. You can see it on different materials, so that will decide for its taste. Like if i were to lick a blue paper and then a blueberry. Both have the same color but not the same taste.

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14y ago
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What is the color blue like?

Blue is a color. You can see it on different materials, so that will decide for its taste. Like if i were to lick a blue paper and then a blueberry. Both have the same color but not the same taste.

What does blue taste like?

Blue is a color and does not have a taste. Taste is associated with flavors in food and beverages, which are sensed by our taste buds.

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Humans do not taste blue. They can taste different foods such as blueberries that have the color blue, but they are not tasting the color, which is a misconception that some people believe.?æ

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blue is a color like the color of blue diamonds Blue is a color

What does the color blue taste like?

blue is a colour smart one, and yes I am british not an american-colour colour colour! COLOUR not color. the person the asked the question might have been reffering to writing a color poem. a color poem is like this: blue looks like ____,_____,_____ blue sounds like ____,_____,____ blue smells like _____,_____,_____ blue tastes like _____,_____,_____ blue feels like _____,_____,_____ wow this answer didnt help at all. yeah we done really care wether or not ur british

What flavor is blue?

Blue is typically not associated with a specific flavor as it is a color rather than a taste. People may use the term "blue flavor" informally to describe foods or beverages that are artificially colored blue, which may have a berry or fruit-like taste.

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You spell the color blue like so- BLUE.

Does typing in blue versus the standard email color have any significance?

No. Matter of taste.

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if you have a taste in style, your jeans would be blue.. any other color of JEANS is just.... not pretty :)