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Q: What is the color of anthocyanin?
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What color does anthocyanin turn leaves?

Red. Anthocyanin turns leaves red. Yes, it is spelled correctly!

What causes the pigment in purple potatoes?

Anthocyanin is the pigment that give blue and red potatoes their color. The pigment ranges in color from red to purple to blue.

What is in the red pigment of mayana leaves its base or acid?

The red pigment is an anthocyanin; the color is purple in a neutral solution.

How does temperature affect the formation of anthocyanin?

Temperature, light, and water supply have an influence on the degree and the duration of fall color. Low temperatures above freezing will favor anthocyanin formation producing bright reds in maples. However, early frost will weaken the brilliant red color. Rainy and/or overcast days tend to increase the intensity of fall colors

What makes a purple potato purple?

They contain the same antioxidants found in blueberries- anthocyanin which gives blueberries their blue color and purple potatoes their purple color. The color that anthocyanin takes is based upon the pH. A purple potato is a kind of potato that has purple skin and or flesh (sometimes called blue) with varieties being Purple Peruvian, Davis Purple, Eureka Purple, Fenton Blue, Purple Mountain, Blue Tomcat etc.

What solution blank to measure anthocyanin?

It can be measured by UV- spectrophotometer. The pH differential method has been used to determine the anthocyanin content

What is a cabbage indicator?

The phrase "cabbage indicator" refers to the use of red cabbage juice to indicate the pH of a solution. For red cabbage contains the pigment molecule ka flavin, which is an anthocyanin. In fact, anthocyanin also is responsible for the reds of certain tree leaves such as sassafras [Sassafras albidum] and sourwood [Oxydendrum arboreum]. Anthocyanin has the advantage of being a water soluble pigment. Its color varies depending upon the acidity/neutrality/alkalinity of the solution in which it's found. For example, the anthocyanin pigments in red cabbage juice turn red in acidic, purplish in neutral, and greenish-yellow in basic solutions.

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Why strawberry color red?

Strawberries are red due to chemical name anthocyanins. Though anthocyanins are responsible for other color like blue but color differed by the difference in the pH of the plant tissue. Strawberries are somewhat acidic so their anthocyanin reflect red light.

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