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Q: What is the color of the crystal in a potassium chlorate solution?
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What is the color of potassium chlorate?

it is a colour less powder.

What is the colour of potassium nitrate solution?

Due to the potassium ion in potassium nitrate, any firework composition made with potassium nitrate would sport a purple/violet color, unless a strong colorant compound like strontium chloride is added to the composition.

Why does the purple colour spread when a crystal of potassium permanganate is placed in water?

A water solution of potassium permanganate is formed.

What color is Lugol's solution prior to changing color?

Lugol's solution is a solution of iodine (1-5%) and potassium iodide in water. So the solution should have the pale color of iodine and the color should be pale (light) brown.

When potassium permanganate is dissovled in water and heated what is the color of the disillate and original solution?

The original solution is an intense violet color because it contains dissolved potassium permanganate. The distillate is clear (colorless) because only the water distills and the potassium permanganate is left behind, as it is non-volatile.

Can solutions have color?

Yes. For instance a solution of KMnO4 (Potassium Permanganate) in H2O (Water) is purple.

What is the colour of potassium permanganate solution?

The color is a very strong and deep purple color when concentrated and pinkish in very low concentration.

What is the color of lead if its make with nitrate?

Lead nitrate has no color. It's a whitish crystal; in solution it looks just like water.

What happens when potassium iodate KIO3 is mixed with a starch and H2SO4 solution?

The color become intense blue.

What will be the color change of crystal violet at different pH?

Crystal violet is used in Gram's method of bacteria classification. At a pH of 1.0, the solution turns green, and when in a strongly acidic solution, it turns yellow.

What is the color of Potassium oxide?

When freshly cut it is silvery in colour but it quickly tarnished as it reacts with oxygen in the air. all alkali metals give characteristic flame colour wich are used to identify them potassium has the colour LILAC

What color change occurs when chlorine gas is passed through a solution of potassium bromide?

it goes from colourless to red/brown