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The combination of material from a pollen grain with an egg to form a seed is what bees carry from one plant to another, unknowingly. When the bee lands on a plant it picks up pollen and carries this to another plant.

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Q: What is the combination of material from a pollen grain with an egg to form a seed?
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Once fertilization takes place and the pollen grain and egg join does it form an ovary?


Is there pollen grain inside the pollen cell?

A single pollen grain contains the generative material that forms the male gametes. It also contains the material that will form the pollen tube when the pollen lands on the pistil. These are covered by a thin layer called the intine or endospore as well as a thick protective wall called the exine or exospore.

How the nucleus form a pollen grain fertilize a female egg cell?

they can by having sex with bugs on the pollen the flower is then able to unlese the power of its self

What is the function of pollen?

Pollen is the plants mechanism of transferring haploid (n) male genetic material (male gametophytes) from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another (cross-pollination) or from the anther of one flower to the stigma of the same flower (self-pollination).The pollen grain is hard and encapsulates the genetic materials (of one parent) with in, in very much the same way that a seed contains the genetic material of both parents.Pollen is small (sometimes microscopic), light and can travel far by wind or attached to insects (bees, moths, butterflies).In angiosperms pollen is produced in the anther of the flowers, in gymnosperms it is produced in the male cones of the plant.When the pollen grain lands on the stigma of suitable flower (very closely related species or same species) the pollen grain germinates; a pollen tube grows down the style and into the ovary (controlled by the generative and tube nucleus - which were contained in the pollen grain) of the flower, here it releases two sperm nuclei which fuse with the haploid (n) nucleus of the ovule to form a zygote.Pollen is made in the male part of the flower (anther) and is full of genetic material. When the pollen and the ova (egg) are joined the DNA from the pollen enters the ova and joins with its DNA. This is fertilisation and the fertilised ova grows into a seed. (pollen has a similar job to do for plants that sperm does for animals).

What are the steps that happen between pollination and fertilization?

After pollination, the pollen grains germinate and form a pollen tube that grows through the style towards the ovary. Once the pollen tube reaches the ovary, it enters the embryo sac and delivers the sperm cells. Fertilization occurs when one sperm cell fuses with the egg cell to form a zygote, while another sperm cell fuses with a polar nucleus to form the endosperm, which provides nourishment to the developing embryo.

Related questions

Where do pollen grain form?

The anther... :)

Why used the mature pollen grain in pollen germination experiment?

this is because premature pollen grain do not contain the sperm cell for fertilization. only the generative nucleus in mature pollen grain will divide mitosisly to form sperm cell for fertilization

Are pollen grain that are released from a flower a form of reproduction?

Yes, it is.

How the nucleus form a pollen grain fertilizers a female egg cell?

by raping it

Where are a plants sperm cells located before fertilization occurs?

When a pollen grain is immature male gametophyte, it has two cells ,a generative cell and a tube cell. A pollen grain becomes a mature male gametophyte when the generative cell divides by mitosis to form two sperm cells. In most species, this process occures after the pollen grain lands on the stigma of a carpel and the pollen tube begins to form. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Once fertilization takes place and the pollen grain and egg join does it form an ovary?


Is there pollen grain inside the pollen cell?

A single pollen grain contains the generative material that forms the male gametes. It also contains the material that will form the pollen tube when the pollen lands on the pistil. These are covered by a thin layer called the intine or endospore as well as a thick protective wall called the exine or exospore.

How the nucleus form a pollen grain fertilize a female egg cell?

they can by having sex with bugs on the pollen the flower is then able to unlese the power of its self

Why do grasses produce many pollen grain?

Like most plants, grass uses sexual reproduction in the form of pollen to grow more. Because this pollen is spread by wind, there needs to be quite a bit of it for the pollen to reliably seed many flowers.

What is the function of pollen?

Pollen is the plants mechanism of transferring haploid (n) male genetic material (male gametophytes) from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another (cross-pollination) or from the anther of one flower to the stigma of the same flower (self-pollination).The pollen grain is hard and encapsulates the genetic materials (of one parent) with in, in very much the same way that a seed contains the genetic material of both parents.Pollen is small (sometimes microscopic), light and can travel far by wind or attached to insects (bees, moths, butterflies).In angiosperms pollen is produced in the anther of the flowers, in gymnosperms it is produced in the male cones of the plant.When the pollen grain lands on the stigma of suitable flower (very closely related species or same species) the pollen grain germinates; a pollen tube grows down the style and into the ovary (controlled by the generative and tube nucleus - which were contained in the pollen grain) of the flower, here it releases two sperm nuclei which fuse with the haploid (n) nucleus of the ovule to form a zygote.Pollen is made in the male part of the flower (anther) and is full of genetic material. When the pollen and the ova (egg) are joined the DNA from the pollen enters the ova and joins with its DNA. This is fertilisation and the fertilised ova grows into a seed. (pollen has a similar job to do for plants that sperm does for animals).

Is pollination in animals a form of asexual reproduction?

Pollination only occurs in flowering plants. It is part of the process of sexual reproduction. The pollen grain contains the male gamete.

How many cells does a mature male gametophyte have in an angiosperm contain?

a single pollen grain is only one cell. A mature pollen grain in many plants have two cells as a result of pollen mitosis- 1. the tube cell and 2. the germ cell. The tube cell forms the pollen tube at the time of pollen germination and the germ cell nucleus divides again to form two male gametes.