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The command is CD (Change Directory).* You use it like this:

cd C:\Whatever\WhateverElse

Unlike many other commands, you don't have to put quotes around the directory path:

cd C:\Whatever\Whatever Else

is identical to

cd "C:\Whatever\Whatever Else

Also, you don't have to use the full path. If you don't specify the full path, the command works relative to the current directory. Here's an example:

If you're in C:\Users\John, then you can use either of these commands to

get to the desktop:

cd C:\Users\John\Desktop

cd Desktop

Finally, CD is not case sensitive, so

cd Desktop

is the same as

cd desktop

*You can also use CHDIR; they're identical.

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Q: What is the command to navigate to a directory?
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CD which stands for Change Directory.Entering CD /? will display a list of supported options.

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save it into a .java file. then open command prompt and navigate to your java bin directory. then type CD then your java bin directory. then type this . javac

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Not sure what you mean by 'directory works' but a common command is 'ls' to see what is in the directory.

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Mkdir command creates a subdirectory under a directory (MD creates a directory) . The command Chdir changes the current Default directory(CD changes the current directory). The Rmdir removes the subdirectory(RD removes a directory).

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To delete directory and sub directory in single command, use "deltree" command..

What does the command CD do?

CD stands for "change directory". For instance, if you are in the directory of c:\files\ and you want to navigate to a folder within the "files" directory called "documents", you can type "cd documents" to change the directory you are in. Once you've done that you will be at c:\files\documents\. Inversely you can use "cd.." to go back to the parent directory "files".

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Go to the directory by "CD" command say "CD MyDoc" and press enter.. Now run "dir" command to see the contents of the directory..

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ls will list the contents of a directory.

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First, navigate to the hard drive, external drive, or USB drive. Click the drive letter, and navigate to the file. Or by command sequence: Type dir to view the file: CD Change directory: \ \ Open: such as DIR E:\\pick.exe/S or E:\\A\\B\\C\\PICK