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Q: What is the common factor behind current wipro britannia marico and lakme logos?
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How do you find the GCF of a polynomial?

You split the current values into a common factor, in this case the greatest common factor (hence "GCF"). e.g. 24x + 144x = 12x (2 + 12)

What is the power factor of an induction motor?

Induction motor comprised inductor as the most part in it and an inductor has the characteristic to oppose the change of current, i.e., it has lagging power factor as current lags behind the voltage. Hence, an induction motor works on lagging power factor.

What is Current amplification factor in common emitter configuration?

comparerission between CB,CC&CE

Why power factor lags?

When there is an inductive element in the circuit, the current lags behind the voltage. an ideal inductor will make the current lag behind the voltage by 90 degrees..a capacitive element on the other hand will make the current lead the voltage (ideally by 90deg). That's why capacitors in parallel with the system are used a lot for power factor correction

IS 180 and 231 relatively prime?

No, they have the common factor 3.No, they have the common factor 3.No, they have the common factor 3.No, they have the common factor 3.

Are 49 and 105 relatively prime?

No, they have the common factor 7.No, they have the common factor 7.No, they have the common factor 7.No, they have the common factor 7.

Why is there no Least Common factor if there is Greatest Common Factor?

The least common factor is always one (1), regardless of what the greatest common factor is.

What is the greatest common factor of 1262?

1262 has no common factor because there is no common factor for a single number. The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) is the largest factor common to two or more numbers.

how is the commn?

Common factor?

What one number has the greatest common factor of 871?

Answer: None, it is impossible. No single number has a greatest common factor. A "common factor" is a factor that two or more numbers have in common. The "greatest common factor" is the largest factor that two or more numbers have in common.

What is the greatest common factor for 28?

There cannot be a greatest common factor if there are not at least two numbers to compare. The greatest common factor is the largest factor that all the numbers have in common - the largest factor that they all share.

Power equals voltage times what?

In DC, power equals voltage x current. In AC, power equals voltage x current x power factor. The power factor is an adimensional constant, and in common circuits it is often close to 1.