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Q: What is the common name of the longest disease in the English Language?
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What is the longest word and What is its definition?

Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, one of the most well-known synthetic pesticides.Other long words include:electroencephalographicallyoctamethylpyrophosphoramideethylenediaminetetraaceticlaryngotracheobronchitidesmeningoencephalomyelitidespneumoencephalographicallyelectrocorticographicallyelectroencephalographicalimmunoelectrophoreticallypanhysterosalpingectomiessyngenesiotransplantationtetrabromophenolphthaleinureteropyelonephrostomiesventriculocisternostomiescholangiopancreatographycholecystoduodenostomieselectrocardiographicallyelectroencephalographieshysterotrachelorrhaphieslaryngotracheobronchitislymphangioendotheliomatamediastinopericarditidespancreaticoenterostomiespancreaticogastrostomiespancreaticojejunostomiespneumoencephalographicalpolioencephalomyelitidespseudohypoparathyroidismthyroparathyroidectomies

What is th definition of pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcano...?

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, the longest word in the English language since it was invented in 1935, is a lung disease created by the inhalation of fine silica dust particles. It is sometimes known as "miner's lung" because it is common for coal miners to get this disease, what with being in the mines all day.

Bear in mind that if is the longest two letter word in the English alphabet?

It's a common idiom, although it is usually written as "the English language" or "the English dictionary." Herman Wouk wrote it in "The Winds of War."

What is the first most common letter used in the English language?

E is the most common letter in the English language.

What is different between Nepali and English?

English language is international language. Nepali language common medium language.

What language is most common in the US?

the most common language in the US is English

What is the common language in California?


What is second most common non-English language spoken in Ireland?

Irish Sign Language is the second most common non-English language in Ireland.

What is the most common figurative language?

the most common figurative language (s) are English and Chinese.

Is English spoken in Prague?

Please the official language is the Czech language, but in shops, hotels etc. English language is common.

When did english become americas primary language?

English became America's primary language during the colonial period, when British settlers began establishing colonies in North America in the early 17th century. Over time, English became the dominant language through cultural assimilation and the influence of institutions like schools and the government.

Almost holds the record as the longest common English word with what features?

It is the longest word where the letters are in alphabetical order