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A fixed annuity is a way to help save for retirement within a safe environment. They are backed by the guarantees of the companies that issue them. They make a great addition to anyone's portfolio.

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Q: What is the common purpose for a fixed annuity?
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When is an investment an annuity?

When an investment is made with the sole purpose of getting a fixed sum of payment each year can be termed as annuity investment.

How safe is your 403-B annuity with AIG?

How safe is TSA 403 (b) Fixed annuity? Is TSA 403 (b) Fixed annuity insured ?

What is a fixed annuity?

A fixed income annuity is a type of insurance contract where the insurance company makes payments of a preassigned amount to the holder of the annuity, the annuitant.

What is a fixed income annuity?

A fixed income annuity is a type of insurance contract where the insurance company makes payments of a preassigned amount to the holder of the annuity, the annuitant.

How safe and secure is an AIG annuity that pays 4 percent fixed per year?

It is as safe as AIG is. No fixed annuity has ever lost any money, but bottom line, AIG backs the fixed annuity

Will you earn a higher interest rate with a variable annuity than with a fixed annuity?

Yes, you do earn a higher interest rate with a variable annuity than with a fixed annuity. It depends on what kind of interest rate you have at the moment.

Fixed Annuity Calculator?

Fixed Annuity Calculator A Fixed Annuity can provide a very secure, tax-deferred investment. It can provide a guaranteed minimum interest rate, with no taxes due on any earnings until they are withdrawn from the account. Use this calculator to help you determine how a Fixed Annuity might fit into your retirement plan.

Is a variable annuity a good 403B investment?

Fees are higher in a Variable annuity than they are in say a fixed Index Annuity.

What are common annuity rates?

An annuity rate is as finance theory that is used to show fixed payment of a period of time. The are usually between 4% to 12% however it may change at any time.

What are fixed annuities comprised of?

A fixed annuity is an annuity that pays a fixed amount of interest, defined by the terms of the contract. It is comprised of the money that you put in and the interest the insurance company provides in exchange.

Should I choose an annuity fixed?

If you would rather have a slower, but more stable growth then annuity fixed is for you. Fixed annuities also offer tax-deferral which increases the speed your money grows.

What are the current rates for Fixed Annuity in Omaha, NE?

fixed annuity rates effective from 4-15-09 can be found at