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Q: What is the concentric phase of a dumbbell fly?
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What is the joint action during the concentric phase of reverse fly?

horizontal abduction

What is the joint action during the eccentric phase of a biceps curl?

A concentric movement would be flexing the elbow and curling a dumbbell towards the shoulder, an eccentric contraction would be the opposite movement ie bringing the dumbbell back down towards the thigh.

What is a dumbbell fly?

A dumbbell fly is an exercise move that is intended to work your arms and pecks. You lay down and move your arms from straight out to your sides to above your face.

What is the concentric joint for reverse fly?


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In concentric phase of squat what muscle arr contracting?

The quads

What upper arm muscle groups and types of muscle actions are associated with the dumbbell biceps curl exercise?

Eccentric Flexors and Concentric Flexors

What phase of the bench press is most important?

incline dumbbell press best chest exersize to do

What muscles are eccentric and concentric when doing incline bench press?

The bench press has two phases: eccentric and concentric. The first phase, as you lower weight toward your chest, is called the eccentric, or muscle-lengthening motion. The second phase, as you raise the weight back up, is called the concentric, or muscle-shortening phase. It is during the concentric phase that you can feel your chest getting tight. Learning which muscles are used during the concentric phase of the bench press is beneficial for focusing your mind on the correct area and therefore improving your exercise technique.The primary concentric mover of the bench press is the pectoralis major, which you may better know as the chest. Depending on which version of the bench press you are doing, you will be recruiting a specific part of the muscle group. The regular bench press on a flat surface mainly works your middle pecs. The incline and decline versions mainly work your upper and lower pecs, respectively.

During the concentric phase of the triceps bench dip is the shoulder joint experiencing flexion or extension?


What muscle contraction occurs in the biceps brachii during the upward phase of the bicep curl?

a concentric contraction- a concentric contraction involves the muscle length, shortening during a contraction! YA-trick-YA!

When performing push ups the concentric phase is?

when you push yourself away from the floor, the lowering phase is the eccentric phase concentric = shortening of muscles - i like to think of this as when the muscles are "working" eccentric = lengthening of muscles - i like to think of this as when the opposite muscles would work to perform the action - e.g. when biceps brachii is eccentric in a bicep curl it is on the lowering phase (i.e. elbow extension - usually performed by triceps brachii)