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The conflict and consensus perspective on education tends to view in school and intuition that perpetuate.

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Q: What is the conflict and consensus Perspectives on the Role of Education in Understanding Globalization?
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How did the haudenosaunee society make decisions?

they held meeting to dicuss ideas.then all voted and used consensus

Why development is needed for future?

Within the evolutionary computation community, there is a strong consensus to agreed on the need of indirect representations to achieve scalability. But no such consensus has been yet found on how to design an indirect representation. An idea to build a scalable representation, is to see the phenotype to genotype mapping as an iterative transformation process: an explicit development stage. But such an approach is computationally expensive and then it relevance might be questionable. Through a simple, accessible example, optimization of a block stack overhang, it is shown that, indeed, an explicit development stage can be the only way if one wants a scalable representation and/or scalable solutions to a problem.

What are the 7 major disadvantages of privatization popularly known as seven sins of privatization?

Confusion in objectives; Lack of transparency; Lack of political consensus; The dominance of the fiscal objective of financing budgetary deficits; A poor financial strategy; Reduced competition; Increased concentration of assets.

What is Karl Marx economic concept?

Marxist ConceptsCertain concepts are key to an understanding of Marxism, a political theory that has caused the tremendous loss of life for 100 years. Key Marxist concepts are diametrically the opposite to capitalism and some believe have created a mentality of a society that is very much a 'them and us' one. Marxism believes that capitalism can only thrive on the exploitation of the working class. Marxism believes that there was a real contradiction between human nature and the way that we must work in a capitalist society. Marxism has a dialectic approach to life in that everything has two sides. Marxism believes that capitalism is not only an economic system but is also a political system. The profit difference between what goods are sold for and what they actually cost to make, Marxism refers to as a "surplus profit". Marxism believes that economic conflict produces class (rich, middle and poor) and inherently class produces conflict. A Marxist analysis called 'Polarisation of the Classes' describes the historical process of the class structure becoming increasingly polarised - pushed to two ends with noting in the middle. It says that soon classes will disappear and be absorbed either into the bourgeoisie or the proletariat. Capitalism largely shapes the educational system, without the education system the economy would become a massive failure as without education we are without jobs and employment which is what keeps society moving. Education helps to maintain the bourgeoisie and the proletariat so that there can workers producing goods and services and others benefiting from it. Schools transmit an ideology which states that capitalism is just and reasonable. Ruling class project their view of the world which becomes the consensus view (hegemony). Marxists believe that a key part in the control of the Proletariat is the use of alienation in all aspects of society, including the family, the education system and the media. This provides the Bourgeoisie with a supple mass of workers who do not mind working for the external rewards of a constant wage. Marxists believe that deviance is any behavior that differs from the societal norm. It is seen as deviant because as a society, we do not accept it. Deviance can vary from simply odd behavior to behavior that can harm society or is considered dangerous or disrespectful. Neo-Marxism is based on ideas initially projected by Karl Marx. Marx believed that economic power led to political power and that this is the key to understanding societies. Neo-Marxists believe the economic system creates a wealthy class of owners and a poor class of workers. They also believe that certain social institutions such as churches, prisons and schools have been created to maintain the division between the powerful and the powerless.

What are some examples of surplus intensifiers?

A surplus intensifier is a word or phrase that is paired with another word or phrase but adds nothing to the meaning of the first one: Surrounded on all sides This point in time Consensus of opinion Completely finished Absolutely pointless Totally empty Very last Exactly identical Very Unique These extra words make writing look weird and have extra "weight"

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What is the consensus in Perspectives on the Role of Education in Understanding Globalization?

The conflict and consensus perspective on education tends to view in school and intuition that perpetuate.

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The conflict and consensus perspective on education tends to view in school and intuition that perpetuate.

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The conflict and consensus perspective on education tends to view in school and intuition that perpetuate.

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The conflict and consensus perspective on education tends to view in school and intuition that perpetuate.

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