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The snakes of St Patrick's lore are representations of the religious culture indigenous to Ireland before his arrival. By driving the snakes out of Ireland, he supplanted the native religions of the region with Catholicism.

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Q: What is the connection between the snake and Saint Patrick?
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What is the symbol of Saint Patrick?

That St. Patrick drove the snakes from Ireland. That was easy for him as scientists say there have never been snakes in Ireland.

What is the connection between the Snake and St. Patrick?

There was a legend that St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland, and that's the reason there are no snakes there today. However, the truth is that there were never any snakes in Ireland.The "snakes" were a metaphor for the druids that St. Patrick converted.

Why is Saint Patrick represented by a snake?

Legend says that St. Patrick banished all the snakes from Ireland. However, scientist say that their is no fossil evidence that snakes ever occurred in that country.

Was Saint Patrick a Catholic?

Yes, Patrick was a Catholic.Yes, St. Patrick, patron Saint of Ireland, was catholic. He lived during the early 5th century. by some other guySt. Patrick was catholic. as you know or may not know he was sold as a slave he managed to escape. he also proved himself to being a saint by doing several miracle that inspired man of the Irish to become catholic. he took all the snake out of Ireland there are several churches name st. Patrick in the USA by brr99 :)

What was Saint Patrick noted for in history?

For something he actually did, he is known for converting the pagan Druids of Ireland to Christianity. That snake banishing thing is just a myth.

What saint is invoked against snakes?

Patron saints against snakes and snake bites: Amabilis of Auvergne Dominic of Sora Hilary of Poitiers Magnus of Füssen Mawes Patrick Paul the Apostle Pirmin Remigius of Rheims

What interest did Saint Patrick have in snakes?

Scientists have found no fossil evidence that snakes ever lived in Ireland so Saint Patrick would have had no interest in the animals. Snakes were symbolic of the pagan gods that Patrick expelled from Ireland by converting Ireland to Christianity.

What is the connection between the name and an iron pillar a snake and the tomar dynasty?

nothing is the relationship between them.... they were son & father......... \

What does the snake have anything to do with Saint Patrick?

The legend was that St. Patrick drove all the snakes out of Ireland may have a more literal meaning to it. Ireland at the time was Celtic Druid and not Christian. St. Patrick was very good at converting the Irish people to Christianity. One of the Druid symbols were a snake. So by converting the Irish people to Christianity, he in essence drove out the snakes (Druids out of Ireland).

Who is the patron saint of New York?

He was an English missionary who went to Ireland and later become the patron saint of that country.He brought the Word of God to the Irish peopleSt Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. Whether it's true or not, it's certainly true that Ireland has no indigenous snake species, only the occasional escaped pet. he got rid of them.Saint Patrick is the patron saint and national apostle of Ireland. He is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland.

Why is Saint Paul the patron saint against snake bites?

When Saint Paul was ship wrecked on the island of Malta about the year 60 AD he was bitten by a venomous snake that caused him no harm.

In what way does Brutus analogy faulty or illogical?

In Brutus' analogy of the snake, there is a fallacy. There is no connection between the snake and corruption. Analogies between animals and human qualities are often fallacies since animals operate on an instinctual level as opposed to having motivation and will as human beings do.