

What is the conversion of Constantine?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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On the Milvian bridge, It was here that Constantine saw the cross in the sky,and immediately, he won a victory.This was the reason of his conversion and his belief to the cross of Jesus Christ.

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Q: What is the conversion of Constantine?
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What year was the conversion of Constantine?

He converted to Christianity in 312.

Christianity began to spread throughout the empire after the conversion of the emperor?


What was the impact of Constantine?

Edward Gibbon suggested that Constantine's conversion to Christianity was one of the principal causes of the fall of the western Roman Empire, which ceased to exist 139 years after his death. At first glance this may seem so far removed from the time of Constantine as to preclude a direct relationship, but Constantine put in place a process that was irreversible. Another impact of Constantine's conversion to Christianity was the eventual conversion of the Roman Empire to Christianity, although once again this did not really occur until long after his death.

Whose conversion to Christianity helped make Christianity in rome?

Emperor Constantine

Why was the conversion of Constantine one of the most important turning points in Christian history?

AnswerWithout the conversion of Constantine, Christianity may have remained a minor sect within the Roman Empire. Certainly, it would never have achieved the ability to totally suppress other religions without imperial backing. The fact that Europe is seen today in terms of being Christian, is a legacy of Constantine and of his conversion to Christianity.

At what historic battle did this emperor Constantine have his alleged religious conversion?

Constantine's so-called vision was right before the battle of the Mulvian bridge. The battle of pons milvius

What led to Constantine to convert to Christianity?

We don't know that Constantine ever converted to Christianity. There are many objections to the story of his "death bed conversion" and scholars and historians are at odds with the church people over this. What is certain, though, is that Constantine never lived the life of a Christian.

What incident led to Constantine's conversion of Christianity?

A vision of a Christian symbol promised him victory during a crucial battle.

Was the conversion of Constantine essentially a positive or negative thing?

Whether the conversion of Emperor Constantine was a positive or negative thing depends on your perspective.But for Constantine's support and patronage, as well as the ensuing persecution of the pagan temples, Christianity might well have remained a minor religion in the Roman Empire. So, from a Christian perspective, it was very much a positive thing, leading to Constantine being labelled Constantine the Great.For pagans, it was a negative thing. Constantine began the long persecution of the pagans, the looting and destruction of the temples and eventually the forced conversion to Christianity.Even for the secular empire, it was probably a negative thing, because Constantine embarked on an ambitious program of building magnificent churches across the empire, thereby contributing to the demand for higher taxes on the middle classes, who, according to Edward Gibbon, were sometimes forced to sell their daughters into prostitution in order to meet these impositions.

What religion did Constantine help spread?

Constantine helped spread Christianity throughout the Roman Empire. He issued the Edict of Milan in 313, which granted religious tolerance to Christians and allowed them to practice their faith openly. Constantine's conversion to Christianity and support of the religion played a significant role in its growth and development.

Why is Constantine not a saint?

Constantine the Great is not considered as a saint in the Catholic religion. While he did make a death bed conversion to Christianity his life up to that point was anything but a saintly one. He is considered a saint in the Orthodox tradition. There are a few other Catholic saints named Constantine, however.

What happen first crucifixion of Jesus or Constantines conversion and the Edict of Milan?

The crucifixion of Jesus was about 300 years prior to Constantine.