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Q: What is the conversion of sugars in wort to alcohol and carbon dioxide?
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Related questions

What is the anaerobic breakdown of sugars into alcohol?

Fermentation is the anaerobic breakdown of sugars into alcohol, carbon-dioxide, and lactic acid.

What is the meaning of photosintisis?

Photosynthesis (if that's what you meant) is the conversion of carbon dioxide into sugars by plants (mainly) using sunlight.

How ethyl alcohol is formed?

Through fermentation by way of yeast consuming sugars and converting it into ethanol (ethyl alcohol) and carbon dioxide.

What does yeast do in the process of making beer?

Convert simple sugars to alcohol, and creates the by-product of carbon-dioxide.

What are the chemicals made from the help of carbon-dioxide in plants?

Ultimately, photosynthetic conversion of carbon dioxide in plants generates various sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose, etc.) and, as a by-product, oxygen is formed as well.

When trees die do they release stored up carbon dioxide?

Well, trees don't really store carbon dioxide; they use the carbon dioxide directly to produce sugars during the Calvin cycle. When decomposers eat up those sugars, they release the carbon in the sugars in the form of carbon dioxide.

Is alcohol a waste product of fermentation?

Yes. A yeast will digest sugars differently in aerobic and anaerobic conditions. If there is not a lot of oxygen available the sugars are incompletely digested and the main waste products are alcohol and carbon dioxide.

What are sugars produced from in the third stage of photosynthesis?

Carbon Dioxide

The process of photosynthesis converts carbon atoms from carbon dioxide into what?


What is the source of the carbon in the sugars made by?

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) from the air.

Does photosynthesis produces carbon dioxide gas?

No, the process is to take in carbon dioxide with water and sunlight to make sugars; the by-product is oxygen.

What is the role of the yeast?

The various kinds of yeasts are used in the brewing of beers and in wine making for the production of alcohol and carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is especially important in baking and bread making to make the bread dough rise before baking.