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Mostly carbon

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Q: What is the core of an average-sized star near death?
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What color is a star near death?


A gas at the core of an older star?

A star near the end of its life that gives of lots of light but not that much heat

Stage where the star swells?

Near the death of a star, the star swells and this phase is known as red giant phase.

In which part of a newborn star does the fusion reactio occur?

In the center where the pressure and temperature are highest

Is Marilyn Manson near death?

He is just like every other rock star, or person for that matter, he can die at anytime, so can you, but i wouldn't say he is near death

What do you call the death of a star?

The death of a star is called a supernova or stellar explosion. This is a catastrophic event that occurs when a star reaches the end of its life cycle and can result in the star either collapsing into a dense core (neutron star or black hole) or completely exploding.

Did Luke Skywalker destroy the first Death Star?

Yes. After being saved by Han Solo from Darth Vader's ships, he fired two missiles into the Death Star's thermal exhaust port, detonating the reactor core.

How does Gravity play a role in the Death of a Star?

When a star runs out of energy, its mass is so great that the remaining energy cannot force the outer edges of a star away from its core, so the gravity causes the star to implode on itself.

Which stars are composed of matter in which electrons have combined with protons?

Stars may collapse to such a degree, perhaps after a supernova, that, in the core, electrons are squashed into the nucleus, reacting with protons to form neutrons. A star of this collapsed state is called neutron stars.

When the core of a star shrinks after hydrogen fusion stops the core heats up but what happens to the star?

The rest of the star expands.

What creates the heat and light in a star?

Nuclear fusion, in the star's core.Nuclear fusion, in the star's core.Nuclear fusion, in the star's core.Nuclear fusion, in the star's core.

At what temperature does a star's core reach Carbon detonation?

Temperatures in the star's core can reach 3x109 K.