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A nerve block usually means that someone was given a drug to block the pain in an area. I would assume that a nerve block might thus mean numbness due to nerve damage. Nerve Damage is neuropathy. The myelin sheath of the nerve has been damaged and thus you get numbness, tingling and pain. The body needs B1 in order to be able to repair the damage to the nerve. There can be many reasons for this damage - Diabetes high blood sugar, chemotherapy, trauma, lack of B12, etc. However, most supplements that you buy is water soluable and thus washes out of your body before it can be used. It is becoming known that certain forms of B vitamins are fat soluable and thus the body can hold onto it long enough to use it. In addition, B12 and some other ingredients will help in the repair. There is a formula that does this called the Nerve Support Formula -

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Q: What is the cure for nerve blockage in right leg?
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