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Q: What is the default datatype of the pointer returned by malloc function?
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What is the datatype of the pointer returned by malloc function?


What is datatype of pointers?


What is the type of the pointer returned by calloc function?

'void *' (or 'char *' if your system is very old)

How can you declare a pointer function?

*function();this declares a pointer function!

What is the difference bw function pointer and function of pointer?

function pointer is a variable that hold the address of any function which declared in the program but function pointer is the array of the function that accept the run time size of the function.

What is the difference between a function pointer and a pointer to a function?

A pointer to a function is the memory address that stores the address of a function, while the pointer itself is a function pointer.A pointer to a function might be defined as "int (*pf)(int, int);", while to actually point to the function, you would use a function pointer, such as "pf = &func;".

What is default value of stack pointer in 8085?

its FF (H)

C program pointers to pointers examples?

Pointer to Pointer is a double pointer, denoted by (**). Pointer stores the address of the variable and pointer to pointer stores the address of a pointer variable and syntax can be given as int **ptr2ptr;

Pointer to pointer in c?

Usable. A prominent example is param argv of function main.

Why do you use a void pointer in a programme?

void is type of pointer that usually means that you can make it point to any data type. When you make a pointer point to somewhere its data type should match with the place where you want it to point. When you dont know the data type where it will point to then you can declare a void pointer and make it point to the data type it want.

What are the applications of the pointer?

The this pointer is used to refer to the object that is foremost in the current scope. It has three primary purposes. First, a programmer uses this to refer to a member variable that has been shadowed by a function argument. Secondly, it is used to obtain a reference to itself, usually for the purpose of passing itself to another function or class. Finally, the this pointer can be used to call alternate constructors of the same object, usually as a means of reusing code and providing various constructors with default arguments.

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