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Q: What is the definition for Genetic Relatedness?
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What evidence of natural selection do you have today that Darwin did not?

Genetic relatedness

What are the sources of studying the evolution of man?

The primate fossil record and genetic relatedness between human and modern non-human primates.

What is phylogenetics?

based on natural evolutionary relationships Answer Phylogenetics is the study of the closeness/relatedness of genetic codes.

Why is it necessary to study genetic disorders?

1. An understanding of the evolutionary past and relatedness of genes makes predicting genetic factors involved in various syndromes easier. 2. That same understanding helps find us possible treatments. 3. Knowledge of the relatedness of genes helps us to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments before clinical testing begins. All of these things could possibly be accomplished without knowledge of the evolutionary past and relatedness of lineages, but at much greater cost, and using much more time.

How can evolution be seen over big amounts of time?

Through fossil and genetic evidence. Genetic evidence can be used to construct trees of relatedness; fossil evidence can be used to give us an idea of what remote ancestors looked like and when they lived.

What is a brief definition in mutation?

genetic disorder

What is the definition of an codon?

A codon is a unit of genetic code

He process by which parts of foreign DNA and a vector are joined together is called what?

My guess is genetic engineering. Here is the definition of genetic engineering: "The deliberate modification of the characteristics of an organism by manipulating its genetic material." (found on google when i searched "genetic engineering definition," it did not say a link for the source)

Do all bacteria have genetic RNA?

Per definition, yes.

What is the scientific definition of genotype?

Genotype is the genetic makeup of an organism

What is the definition of SNP genotyping?

The definition of SNP genotyping is the measurement of the genetic variation between members of a species. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) are one of the most common types of genetic variation.

Write an original definition for genetic variation?

The genetic variation of a population is a measure of how much individuals in a population differ genetically.