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Q: What is the definition of an Eye-level film camera shot?
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What is the best definition of a take?

One of several versions of a shot recorded by the camera.

What is the name of the Alfred Hitchcock movie that is shot in one room?

The film Rope (1948) was not only shot in one room, but there are no cuts in the camera viewing. The view from the camera moves as the story progresses, but it's all one continuous camera "shot."

How long is the film the heart is a hidden camera?

About 9 minutes. Shot in 6 days. A year to finish the effects. - the guy who shot it

Who shot the Zapruder film in 1963?

The Zapruder film shot in 1963 is a silent color video that was shot by bystander Abraham Zapruder. To everyone's surprise, his home movie camera caught the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

How long have movies been shot in high definition?

Most movies are shot on film and not captured to video. Because of that, they have never suffered from the constraints of television resolutions. Typically, 35mm and 70mm film have an effective resolution that is higher than either SD or HD television. When a movie is broadcast, it is converted to a video signal using a tele-cine unit (a film projector and television camera combined into a single device). The television resolution is defined by the camera in the tele-cine unit at the time it is captured to video. so, film that has been shot before the days of HD television can still be broadcast as HD.

Definition of worm's eye view camera shot?

opposite of birds eye view shot. it is a angle where you are looking up from beneath the object of interest.

What is slanting shot concept in film?

It's called a Dutch Tilt...when a camera is tilted to the left or right

What is the best definition of cinematography?

How a film is made and includes the film's exposure, framing, and length of each shot

Can you get double exposures on film by loading already shot film into a camera and re-shooting it?

Of course. Chances are that the frames will not line up because the film will not be loaded exactly as the first time.

What was the first feature film to be shot digitally?

In May 2002 Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones became the first high-profile, high-budget movie released that was shot on 24 frame-per-second high-definition digital video, using a Sony HDW-F900 camera. Among the lesser-known movies are Vidocq (2001) and Russian Ark (2002), were earlier and shot with the same camera.

What is a long shot?

It's a gambling term. It means that there are small odds that it's going to be successful. It can also be a film term meaning a camera shot from far away.

30 parts of single lens camera and its function?

Parts of a single lens camera are film rewind knob, expressure adjustment knob ,control panel ,on and off switch ,shutter release button ,self timer indicator ,lens release button, camera body ,objective lens ,focus selector ,film speed, multi exposure mode ,film advance mode, hot shot contact ,and the accessory shot. All which are self explanatory .