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A "knee contusion" is a bruise somewhere on the knee. It's a fairly insignificant finding, since even a small force can cause a bruise. However, underlying structures may be more injured.

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Q: What is the definition of knee contusion?
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Related questions

Do you need a knee brace for your contusion?

You do not need a knee brace if you are sure that it is just a contusion. A knee brace can be helpful for ligament and cartilage injuries and sometimes is used if there is some doubt.

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How much does it cost to care for a knee contusion?

Two ice cubes, a washcloth, and a hand to hold the ice on the knee for 15 minutes several times a day. Now, if you see a doctor for the contusion--a bruise-- you could spend a hundred dollars or more. If you go to an E.R., your bill could be over $2,000 dollars. If by ambulance, add another $500 dollars.

What is treatment for a contusion hair line fracture in your knee cap?

Cylindrical cast for 6 weeks in Adults and 4 weeks in Adolescents.

What is the ICD-9 code for contusion of the cheek and the forearm?

920 - contusion of face 923.10 - contusion of forearm

What contal mean?

The definition of contal is: a bruise or a contusion. This medical term is usually used to describe an injury when venules are damaged by trauma.

Are contusion and blunt trauma the same?

A contusion is a bruise. Blunt trauma would likely refer to how the contusion how the bruise was caused.

What do you call a bruise on the brain?

A bruise on the brain is called a contusion.

What is an osseous contusion?

Osseous means bony and contusion means bruise.

What is the difference between concossion and contusion?

A contusion is a bruise, and a concussion is a bruise of the brain.

How much can you get in a lawsuit from a knee contusion and a strain?

If someone else was at fault, you can sue them for the medical expenses and income lost due to recovery time. For something so minor, don't expect much.

Where is cardiac contusion found on the heart?

Since a contusion is a bruise, it would be located at the point of impact.