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A noun is a word for a person, a place, or a thing.

A singular noun is a word for one person, place or thing.
Example: My mom will be home soon.

A plural noun is a word for two or more people, places, or things.
Example: The homes on my street are all very old.

A common noun is a general word for a person, place, or thing.
Example: My mom will be home soon.

A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing.
Example: The homes on Mulberry Street are very old.

A concrete noun is a word for something that can be experienced by any of the five physical senses; something that can be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched.
Example: My mom will be home soon.

An abstract noun is a word for something that can't be experienced by any of the five physical senses; something that is known, learned, thought, understood, or felt emotionally.
Example: My mom can help us with this problem.

A count noun is a noun that has a singular and a plural form.
Example: This house is much larger than the houseswe've already seen.

An uncountable noun (also called a mass noun) is noun for something that is indivisible into countable units; a word that normally has only a singular or a plural form.
Example: My mom's advice is to get the best educationthat you can afford.

A partitive noun (also called a noun counter) is a noun to count or quantify an uncountable noun.
Example: Please pick up a quart of milk and a loaf of bread.

An attributive noun (also called a noun adjunct) is a noun used to modify another noun and function as an adjective.
Example: My mom makes the best almond cookies.

A gerund (also called a verbal noun) is the present participle of a verb that functions as a noun.
Example: I didn't have time for shopping.

A possessive noun is a noun indicating ownership, possession, origin, or purpose. Possessive nouns are formed by adding an apostrophe -s to the end of the word, or just an apostrophe to plural nouns that already end with -s.
Example: My mom's house is in the city. My grandparents' house is in the country.

A collective noun is a noun used to group people or things in a descriptive way.
Example: My grandpa was leading his herd of cattle back to the barn.

A material noun is a noun for something that other things are made from.
Example: My new coat is red wool with leathertrim.

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