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A neutral chlorine atom has 7 valence electrons and needs one more valence electron in order to be stable with an octet. A chlorine molecule consists of two chlorine atoms that have formed a covalent bond between them, so that each chlorine atom effectively has an octet of valence electrons, which makes the chlorine atoms stable. A chloride ion is a chlorine atom that has gained an electron, becoming a charged particle with a charge of 1-.

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Q: What is the difference among chlorine atoms chlorine molecules and chlorine ions?
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Is chlorine an atom or molecule?

Chlorine is an element, symbol Cl. All elements are composed of atoms but they can also form molecules. Chlorine gas is composed of molecules of chlorine, composed of two chlorine atoms per molecule, formula Cl2.

What is the main difference in covalent boning within molecules of diatomic chlorine and diatomic oxygen?

The chlorine atoms share two electrons between themselves, while the oxygen atoms share four. This can alternatively be stated as a single bond between the two chlorine atoms and a double bond between the two oxygen atoms.

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The CFC's molecules are ODS. They react with ozone to deplete it. The Chlorine and Fluorine are main atoms.

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atoms combine to form molecules of elements

How many moles of chlorine can be made from 4.37E18 atoms of chlorine?

Chlorine gas is Cl2If you have 4.37 x 1018 atoms, you will have half that number of chlorine molecules.4.37 x 1018 atoms of Cl x 0.5 molecules of Cl2 / atoms of Cl = 2.20 x 1018 molecules of Cl2There are 6.02 x 1023 'things' in a mole.2.20 x 1018 molecules of Cl ÷ 6.02 x 1023 molecules / mole = 3.65 x 10-6 mole of Cl2.

What makes up chlorine?

Chlorine is composed of chlorine atoms, usually bonded together in two-atom molecules (Cl2)

What is empirical formula of chlorine and Iodine?

Chlorine and iodine are both elements that form diatomic molecules (molecules that consist of two atoms). One atom of chlorine is symbolised by Cl; however, single atoms of chlorine do not exist unattached to other atoms. One molecule of chlorine is Cl2. The situation is the somewhat similar for iodine, and a molecule of iodine is I2. Please see the links.

What does chlorine contain?

Chlorine is an element; it contains only chlorine atoms. It its elemental form it forms diatomic molecules.

Chlorine gas is a diatomic molecule Cl2. There are 6.00 mol of chlorine atoms in a sample of chlorine gas. How many moles of chlorine gas is this?

there are 6 molecules of chlorine gas

What is chlorine made out of?

Since chlorine is an element it is simply composed of chlorine. More specifically chlorine in its elemental form is made up of molecules of two chlorine atoms each.

How many atoms are present in 8.00 moles of chlorine?

If the chlorine is in its normal state of diatomic molecules, there are 16.0 moles of chlorine atoms in 8.00 moles of chlorine. The number of atoms is then 16 times Avogadro's number = 9.64 X 1024, to the justified number of significant digits.