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Q: What is the difference between Granulated-sugar and sugar syrup?
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What is the difference between syrup USP and syrup IP in terms of sugar concentration method of preparation?

Simple syrup is a water and sugar mixture. A USP syrup has an 85 percent w/v concentration. An IP syrup usually contains far less sugar.

What is the difference between the syrup USP and syrup BP in terms of sugar concentration method of preparation and stability?

Syrup USP.............. 85 %w/v Syrup BP/IP.............66.67 % w/w

What is difference between glucose and golden syrup?

Pure glucose is significantly thicker than a sugar syrup you would make on your own. It's even thicker than honey.

What is the difference between syrup and water?

Syrup Is sticky and waters not

What is the difference between golden syrup and honey?

Honey is made by bees. Golden syrup is made from sugar cane--it's kind of a very light molasses. Golden syrup tastes a little different, but you can use it instead of honey.

Difference between syrup and solution?

Syrup is always sweet while solution is not

Difference between syrup and a suspension?

syrup is a concentrated mixture of sugar and purified water.Suspensions are mixtures of fine particles of an undissolved solid distributed through gas,liquid, or solid. Most suspensions are solids dispersed in liquids.

What are common sugar derivatives?

Agave syrup, Bar sugar (or superfine sugar), Bar syrup (or simple syrup), Barley-malt syrup, Beet sugar, Berry sugar, Birch syrup, Brown rice syrup, Brown sugar, Buttered syrup, Cane juice, Cane sugar, Caramel, Carob syrup, Chicory syrup, Chinese rock sugar (or rock sugar or Chinese sugar), Chocolate syrup, Cinnamon sugar, Coarse sugar (or decorating sugar), Coconut sugar, Corn syrup, Corn syrup solids, Crystalline fructose, Date syrup, Demerara sugar, Dextran, Dextrose, Diastatic malt, Diatase, Doughnut sugar (or snow sugar), Erythritol, Ethyl maltol, Fructose (or Levulose), Fruit juice,Fruit juice concentrate,Fructose (or Levulose), Fruit juice, Fruit juice concentrate, Fruit syrup, Galactose, Glucose, Glucose solids, Glycerol, Golden brown sugar, Golden caster sugar, Golden icing sugar, Golden sugar, Golden syrup, Granulated sugar, Grape sugar, Grape sweetener, High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), High-maltose corn syrup, Honey HSH (Hydrogenated Starch Hydrolsates), Inulin syrup (or chicory syrup), Invert sugar, Inverted sugar syrup, Jaggery (or gur or palm sugar), Karo syrup, Lacitol, Lactose, Levulose, Malitol, Malt Malt syrup, Maltodextrin, Maltose, Mannitol (less calories than sugar, laxative effect),Maple syrup,Maple syrup sugar, Molasses, Muscovado (Barbados) sugar, Nonmelting sugar, Palm sugar, Pancake syrup, Panela, Panocha, Piloncillo, Powdered sugar, Rapadura, Raw sugar, Refiner's sugar, Rice syrup, Rock candy, Rock sugar, Sanding sugar, Simple syrup, Snow sugar, Sorbitol, Sorghum syrup, Stevia, Sucanat, Sucrose, Sugar syrup, Superfine sugar, Tagatose, Tapioca syrup, Treacle, Turbinado sugar, Vanilla sugar, Xylitol, Yellow Sugar

Can you substitute maple syrup for molasses in a cookie recipe?

sunstition for brown sugar using granulated sugar and pancake syrup

Is sugar syrup homogeneous or heterogeneous?

Sugar syrup is homogenous.

What is the a mixture of sugar and water?

Sugar and water is known as a syrup, a light syrup has a small amount of sugar, a heavy syrup has much more sugar.