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When it comes to skincare, everyone is not created equal. Both men and women should be concerned with the health and status of their skin, but each member of the species also needs to be careful as to what types of products they are using and how it will react with their skin. The first step towards proper skincare is to know how male and female skin operates and how they differ.

Because the huge majority of skincare customers are women, it's no wonder that everyone young and old is aware of how a woman's skin operates, ages and reacts to various beauty products. But what about male skin? A man's skin is about 20% thicker than a woman's and is usually firmer because it is richer in collagen and elastin levels. This is why many men tend to age without as many deep-set wrinkles and fine lines as women, although the success of aging gracefully for any man also lies in how well he has taken care of his skin over the years.

Even though women have facial hair in the many of the same places as men, the options for hair removal differ in how they affect the skin of both species. Women tend to use depilatories and techniques such as tweezing and waxing when it comes to getting rid of unwanted facial hair on the upper lip, eyebrows and chin area. Men on the other hand, turn to shaving and typically target the cheeks, upper lip, chin and part of the neck area. Unlike female skin, male skin has larger pores, a richer blood supply, and more active sebaceous glands. This means male skin is more prone to sweating and tends to be on the oilier side. While oily skin types have been known to age better than most, men who shave daily deal with the challenge of dry and dehydrated skin.

As a result, male skin is, in fact, dirtier than female skin. In terms of skincare, deep cleansing is a must for men. By maintaining a daily deep cleansing routine, men can continue to enjoy a clear and healthy complexion. Even though men aren't as prone to the signs of aging like women are, that doesn't mean they are completely immune. Men should use shaving products specifically made for their skin type and wear moisturizer containing SPF for protection against sun damage. The need for good skincare products is especially important for men who engage in physically demanding work outdoors.

Despite these differences in male and female skin, it often does not matter what kind of skincare products are used. It is perfectly fine for a man to use a skincare product designed for female skin, although the occurrence of the opposite is rare. However, in regards to male skin, there are a number of great men's skincare lines that offer special formulas for those who shave daily and cater to the thicker, oilier and larger pores of a man's complexion that female skincare products may not be strong enough to tackle. Either way, men and women alike can continue to celebrate their differences while enjoying youthful and vibrant skin.

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