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As you likely have noted, members of these two faiths hold strong to many of the same values. They both believe in prophecy, healthy living and the respect of the body as a temple, baptism by immersion, tithing, following the Commandments, community service, and many others. However these churches are different in several important ways.

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons or Latter-day Saints for short) believe in the Book of Mormon as another testament of Jesus Christ. They also have great love for and belief in the Holy Bible and believe both books to be the word of God. Both faiths believe the Holy Bible to be a closed book (one that should not be added to or taken from). Adventists believe in the Holy Bible as their sole book of scripture but also believe the writings of Ellen White as prophecy. Latter-day Saints recognize that there are literally hundreds of translations of the Bible (some of which contradict each other) and therefore believe in the Holy Bible to be perfect in as much as it was translated correctly. Nonetheless Latter-day Saints and Adventists both try to follow closely the example of Christianity set forth in this wonderful Holy book.

Mormons believe Joseph Smith was a prophet and Adventists believe Ellen G. White was a prophet. Mormons additionally believe in modern-day revelation through prophets who have been chosen by God since Joseph Smith was killed. The prophet leads the Church at the direction of Jesus Christ and stands as as special witness and representative of Christ to all on the Earth. Christ said that He came not to abolish the Law (commandments) or the prophets but to fulfill them.

Both faiths recognize the Sabbath as a day that should be focused on the Savior as emphasized in the ten commandments and made clear in the Sermon on the Mount by Christ Himself. Each believe that it should be a day of rest from your usual labors and a day with an extra (since every day should so be) emphasis on worship. Latter-day Saints recognize Sunday as the Sabbath secondary to a latter-day revelation that stated the sabbath should be transferred to the "Day of the Lord" in observance of the atonement of the Savior. Adventists recognize Saturday (sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday) as the Sabbath.

Members of both faiths recognize a strict health code. Many Adventists are vegetarians and all abstain from cigarettes and alcohol. Latter-day Saints believe in abstaining from alcohol, tobacco, coffee and tea, other harmful or addictive substances, in addition to promote eating healthy grains, vegetables, fruits, and limited amounts of meat.

Certainly each of these faiths is distinct, but they do share many similarities -- including their strong commitment to the Savior. If you are wondering which to join, many can share their opinions and beliefs. However, the decision is between you and God. I'd encourage you to spend time talking with him to see what He would have you do. Read about each church from reliable sources: and or All have a lot of useful information. Don't seek out information about Adventists from Mormons or about Latter-day Saints from Adventists (you wouldn't likely ask an English professor about a mathematical problem, or a physician about how to build a gas pipeline). Its tough to not be biased based on firm belief but God will not steer you wrong.

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14y ago

Some differences between members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Seventh Day Adventists are:

Latter-day Saints use the King James Version of The Bible, as well as the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants as scripture. Adventists use only the Bible.

Latter-day Saint churches hold their main worship service on Sunday, while Adventists hold theirs on Saturday.

Latter-day Saints believe that there are prophets today as in ancient times, and Adventists do not.

Both churches worship Jesus Christ and believe that he is the Son of God and the Savior of mankind.

You can learn more about each of these demoninations by visiting the "Related Links" below.

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12y ago

Since there are splinter groups from both churches, the answer here is restricted to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and the historic Adventists. Several differences are quickly identifiable:

Mormons believe in the Father and the Son are separate individuals with perfected physical bodies of flesh and bone while the Holy Ghost is a personage of "spirit" without a physical body.

Mormons believe authority to act in God's name and perform ordinances must be conferred by the laying on of hands by one who already holds that authority and that such authority was conferred by Christ on his apostles during their mortal ministry and was restored by 3 of them - Peter, James and John sent as resurrected or translated physical beings - to Joseph Smith and passed on from there.

Mormons view baptism as a covenant with God which thus must be performed by one who has received that authority through the means described in the previous statement.

Mormons accept the Book of Mormon as scripture and the bible as scripture as far as it is translated correctly.

Mormons believe the individual is composed of a body and a spirit, which combined constitute the soul, that the spirit existed in the presence of God before birth, is conscious between death and resurrection, and will be reunited with an immortal, resurrected body before the final judgement.

Mormons generally observe the Sabbath on Sunday although in countries where this is not accepted, they may observe it on Saturday or Friday.

7th Day Adventists subscribe to the Nicean creed of the 3-in-one God.

7th Day Adventists consider those who feel themselves called of God to be authorized to act as his ministers and perform ordinances once they have received formal training and are appointed by the local conference.

7th Day Adventists view baptism as a formal commitment necessary for membership in the church but do not require that it be performed by one of their ministers so long as it has been performed properly by immersion.

7th Day Adventists accept Ellen White as a prophet but state that the Bible is the standard by which all teaching and experience must be tested. Ms. White's writings are considered secondary to the Bible.

7th Day Adventists believe humans are an indivisible unity of body, mind and spirit. They do not possess an immortal soul and at death the soul ceases to exist. There is no consciousness after death so death is likened to an unconscious sleep.

7th Day Adventists consider Saturday (the 7th day, from which part of their name derives) to be the only acceptable time to observe the Sabbath.

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12y ago

There are many differences between the beliefs of the Seventh Day Adventists and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church).

*The most obvious is that Adventsts believe worship services should be held on Saturday; Mormons generally observe a Sunday sabbath.

*Adventists use only the Bible (usually NIV) as scripture. Mormons use the Bible (KJV primarily), the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, the Pearl of Great Price, and the words of their living prophet.

*Mormons have a living prophet and living Twelve Apostles, Adventists do not, but believe that the writings of Ellen G. White (1827-1915) are inspired of God.

*Adventists believe in the traditional Trinitarian God, that is, that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are the same being. Mormons believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three seperate beings united in purpose.

*Adventists celebrate the communion or Lord's Supper with foot washing, bread, and Grape Juice. Mormons observe it with bread and water.

*Both faiths practice full-immersion baptism and do not baptize young children or babies.

*Both faiths follow a health code, although most Adventists tend to be vegetarian and most Mormons believe that meat should be eaten sparingly.

*Both groups are restorationist (believing that first century Christianity had to be restored to the earth, not remodeled from the Catholic church) and grew out of the Second Great Awakening.

*Most Adventists take the Biblical creation story literally, saying that the earth was created in six days. Mormons teach that it was created over six undefined "creative periods." Some believe those periods are literally 1000 years (2 Peter 3:8); others believe the biblical reference is figurative.

*Mormons believe that marriages and families 'sealed' in Temple ceremonies will continue in heaven. Adventists have no such doctrine.

*Mormons believe that baptisms can be performed for those who died without being baptized (1 Corinthians 15:29), giving them the chance to accept Jesus Christ and be saved in the afterlife. Adventists have no such doctrine.

*Adventists believe in a 'heavenly sanctuary' in which Jesus is continuing His work of Atonement. Mormons believe Christ's gospel is taught to deceased persons in the afterlife.

*Adventists believe that God began judging His people on October 22, 1844. Mormons have no such belief.

*Adventists believe that death is a state of unconcious sleep until the resurrection. Mormons believe that the spirits of the righteous dead go to a 'spirit paradise' and the spirits of the wicked dead go to 'spirit prison' where they are conscious, and still teaching and being taught, until the resurrection when they are reunited with physical bodies.

*Adventists believe that after the Resurrection and Millennium, the righteous will go to heaven and the wicked will be completely destroyed. Mormons believe that following the final judgment, most people will go to one of three levels of heaven, and only those who have committed the most wicked sins (such as rebellion against God after having had a sure knowledge of Christ) will go to perdition (hell) for eternity.

*Many Adventists believe that the Archangel Michael is Jesus Christ. Mormons believe that Michael is Adam.

*Some Adventists will accept 'commissioned' female pastors. Mormons will not ordain or 'commission' women.

Check out the "Related Links" below to see the official websites for each of the two faiths.

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