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They have numerous differences starting with their respective historical backgrounds (Christian North America vs Shiah Iran).

  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, aka Mormonism or LDS church, presents itself as a re-revelation of Christianity. The Baha'i Faith presents itself as a new and independent religion, not an offshoot of any existent religion, the unity of which was promised in all Scriptures.
  • While Mormonism has 'democratized' the priesthood by ordaining most male believers. The effect is to give ordinary believers a greater voice and responsibility. The Baha'i Faith has abrogated need for clergy now that humanity has intellectually/spiritually evolved. Baha'i communities are administered by elected "Local Spiritual Assemblies," consisting of nine men and women, which in turn report to elected National Spiritual Assemblies. The Universal House of Justice on Mount Carmel in Haifa (also nine elected members) oversees the Faith globally.
  • The Baha'i Faith teaches that throughout the history of man God has sent Messengers/Manifestations of God with teachings specific to that time, place and people (ie., Abraham, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Zoroaster, and Muhammad). Adam is viewed as the first Messenger known to man since the keeping of records. It is believed that, in accordance with the Bible's prophecy that once the Bible ("Book of God") was brought to all people, the Promised One of the Ages would appear. Baha'is believe that to have been in 1844. The LDS Church teaches that Jesus Christ is the literal Son of God the Father and the prophets of the Old and New Testaments were his mortal prophets. The LDS also teach that while the Bible contains many of the writings of prophets, not all the writings of all the prophets are contained in it and that, in fact, there were prophets teaching of Christ in the Western Hemisphere from shortly after the Tower of Babel until a few hundred years after Christ. The LDS also teach that prophets have been called again in the "latter-days".
  • The Baha'i writings describe a single, personal, omniscient, omnipresent, imperishable, and almighty God who is the creator of all things in the universe. Their concept of God is an unknowable essence who created all and interacts with mankind through the Manifestations of God and lesser prophets (e.g., Isaiah, John the Baptist, God's glory is such that personal knowledge would be like a mortal trying to literally connect with the sun above. Man being created in the "image" of God refers to the soul, which is also an unknowable essence. The LDS teach that God is an omnipotent, omniscient, physical being and that humanity is literally created in his image - humans look like the Father but not perfect and glorified. The LDS also teach that the Father has a body of flesh and bone, the Son likewise, but the Holy Ghost is a personage of Spirit - thus rather than following the dominant Christian creeds of a three-in-one God, they see the Trinity as one in purpose but still three separate beings, with the Son and the Spirit subject to and subordinate to the Father. In contrast to the Bahai who view God as accessible through devout prayer, Mormons also see God as very accessible and continuing to provide direct revelation to prophets and to individuals who pray to him rather than inaccessible and only occasionally sending messengers.
  • The canonical texts of the Baha'i Faith are the writings of the Báb (the Gate), Bahá'u'lláh (Glory of God), 'Abdu'l-Bahá (Servant of the Glory), Shoghi Effendi, the Universal House of Justice, and the authenticated talks of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. Writings by Baha'u'llah are considered as the Word of God. The LDS accept the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly and also accept the Book of Mormon as the word of God.

They have some things in common. They have their roots in the 19th century. They were both persecuted (but the same is true of most early religions). Their followers have a strong family life and do not drink alcohol or use recreational drugs. Both communities have a strong organizational structure, based on scripture, to which almost all of the believers adhere (i.e., splinter groups are numerically much smaller than the mainstream group).

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