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There is a difference between a Sect and a Post-X religion. There is an incredibly important difference between a sect and a Post-X religion. The difference is that a Post-X religion makes specific claims which violate the basic tenets that followers of the mainstream religion hold as critical. In Islam, this is why Sunni, Shiite, Ibadi, Kharijite, Sufism, etc. are Sects and not categories of Post-Islamic Religions: none of them violate the basic tenets of Islam. However, Ahmadiyya, Alawite, Alevi, Azali, Baha'i, Druze, Yarsan, Yezidi, and several other religions do violate basic tenets of Islam and therefore Post-Islamic Religions, not Sects.

The bottom line is that if someone of Y religion would not be considered a person of X religion, but Y religion is primarily based on X religion and former followers of X religion, Y is a Post-X religion.

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Q: What is the difference between a Post-X religion and a Sect of X religion?
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