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In Europe billion comes after milliard, while in America 'milliard' does not exist. So while in America one billion equals one hundred million, it is one thousand million in Europe.

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Q: What is the difference between a billion and a milliard?
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How many zero's in one milliard?

9, a milliard is an archaic word for one billion.

What is a billon in Denmark?

A ''billion'' is called a milliard in danish (10000000), a billion is 10000000

Is 1.6 billion equals to 1600 million?

Yes, in American English. In French, and in some areas of Britain, the word "milliard" is used for 1000 million, and "billion" is used for 1000 milliard.

Does 1.4 milliard d'euros in French equal 140 millions d'euros?

No. Milliard is the French word for billion (1 000 000 000). 1.4 milliard is 1,400,000,000 or 1400 millions euros.

1 billion dollar how million?

In the English-speaking world, a billion is one thousand million. In many languages, that would be called a milliard and a billion would be one thousand milliard.

What is a milliard?

Milliard is the number 1,000,000,000 or 109. That is one thousand million. It is not used in America and seldom in other forms of English. Billion is the normal term for one thousand million in most of the English-speaking world. In many other languages a billion refers to a thousand milliard - 1,000,000,000,000 or 1012.

How do you spell one billion in French?

a billion (1 000 000 000) is called un milliard in French.

What does the french word Millard mean in English?

"milliard" is translated billion in English.

What is this number called 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000?

i believe that's a Milliard , French for 1 thousand million...or was it billion.. i believe that's a Milliard , French for 1 thousand million...or was it billion..

What comes after billion?

In the US a trillion comes after a billion. In other countries, a billion is called a milliard and a billion would be equivalent to a trillion in US terms.

Is 8.5 billion the same as 50 billion?

No - the difference between the two is 41.5 billion.

What is 1 000 000 000?

1 billion in the English language or 1 milliard in the other languages.