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All Christians deem that Jesus Christ is the head of their church, and they rejoice in his name. Catholics praise Mary.

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Q: What is the difference between a catholic and a Christian not nesceserily a protestant?
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There is no difference, Catholics are Christians, if you are asking about the difference between a particular protestant wedding and a Christian Catholic wedding, then you should ask that.

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The question makes no sense as Catholic and Christian mean exactly the same thing. If you want to know what the difference is between Catholic and protestant, then you should ask that.

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Catholic AnswerCatholic weddings are Christian, if you are asking what the difference is between Catholic and protestant weddings, please see the Related Question below.

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Catholic mass is a specific form of Christian worship that follows the liturgical traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. Christian Mass is a broader term that refers to any worship service conducted in the Christian faith, which includes various denominations such as Protestant, Orthodox, and Catholic.

Catholic versus Christian?

There is no difference as the Catholic Church is the original Christian Church tracing its history back to Christ and the Apostles. However, some Protestant denominations have taken the original Catholic beliefs and picked from them only the parts that they felt coincided with their views and discarded those that contradicted their beliefs.

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The Protestant denominations are Christians churches that have separated from the Catholic church in protest over theological interpretations or polices of the Catholic church that they believe to be incorrect.All Protestants are Christian, but not all Christians are Protestant.

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Catholic and Christian mean the same thing, perhaps you mean is he Catholic or protestant?

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Justin bieber is a christian, but he is not catholic. I think he may be protestant

What makes someone a protestant?

its a christian religion that isn't catholic

How do you explain the difference between Catholic and Christian?

Catholics are Christian.Roman Catholic AnswerThere is no difference between a Catholic and a Christian according to the traditional interpretation of these two words, unfortunately, since the time of the protestant revolt, heretics have appropriated the word "Christian" to mean someone who believes in their own version of Jesus Christ and their own version of the Bible, and excludes Catholics.

Catholics and Christians Bible?

Roman Catholic AnswerNo difference, Catholic and Christian is the same thing. I imagine that you are asking the difference between a Catholic/Christian Bible and a protestant Bible, which protestants may refer to as a Christian Bible. Protestants have removed a number of books from the Old Testament as they were uncomfortable with not believing things that the Bible said, so they changed the Bible.