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Well this is a really good question! :)

Beagle Harrier is a little bit taller than a normal Beagle.

Beagle Harrier is from France and Beagle is from England.

Beagle Harrier needs more exercise than Beagle.

Beagle needs more space to live in than Beagle Harrier.

Both of them are really cute and faithful friends and designed for hunting.

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Q: What is the difference between a harrier beagle and a beagle?
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What is the difference between a beagle and a beagle harrier?

Harrier Beagles are not Beagles they are hounds that look similar. Beagles are hounds as well. Beagles can be short and stocky or tall and slender like people they can come in all shapes and sizes. A Harrier is a Harrier. A Beagle is a Beagle. Both are hounds. Harriers are just a tad bit bigger.

What is the difference between a beagle and a foxhound?

the foxhound is taller than the beagle. and the foxhound has diffrend markings then the beagle

What kind of anmial is an harrier?

A Harrier is actually a breed of dog (canis lupis familiaris). It is related to the beagle, basset hound, and fox hound.

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Their is none. The names were mixed up sense they were origonally from England. They became popular in the US so we now call them American beagle.

What is the difference between harrier beagles and beagles?

Really like that question! Well harriers are a little bit taller than normal beagles beagle harries are original from France and beagles are from England. Harrier needs more exercise than beagles and beagles need more space to live in. Both of them are beautiful and really good for hunting rabbits. Beagles are kinda more popular

Is there a difference between a hunting beagle and a show beagle?

The difference is that show Beagles show in dog shows,and hunting Beagle hunt with their owners most of the time. P.S: If you live near walnut creek and looking for a dog go to Tony larussa's animal rescue center.

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one is a purebred dog and the other is a mixed breed dog.

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What is the difference between a harrier jet and a normal jet?

A harrier is a jump jet- it can take off straight up and land straight down or make a really short take off or landing on a runway. It cant hold a lot of fuel so it can fly for too long.

What country is the beagle from in Europe?

Beagle 2 was an unproductive British corridor rocket ship that formed component of the European Space Agency's 2003 Mars Express operation. The contemporary beagle variety was developed in Great Britain roughly in the 1830s from more than a few strains, including the Talbot Hound, the North Country Beagle, the Southern Hound, and perhaps the Harrier. However, beagle-type dogs have subsisted for more than 2,000 years. No speak to was received at the wait for time of hallway on Mars. Beagle 2 was named after HMS Beagle, which twice carried Charles Darwin for the duration of voyages which would later on show the way to the hypothesis of ordinary assortment.

Is the harrier Scottish?

Are you refering to English Harrier Hunting Dog, birds such as the Western Marsh Harrier (Eastern England) the Hen Harrier (Scotland and England) the Montague Harrier (England) or the British Harrier Jump Jet (Hawker Siddley, Bristol).

What breeds make up the beagle?

Beagles are dogs that where originally used to hunt because of their great sense of smell but now they are normal house dogs and are very friendly but you have to walk them a lot because they are active and will chew and dig if they are bored