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A neutral atom is an atom with an equal number of electrons and protons without any additional energy. An excited atom has electrons that have absorbed energy and moved up to another layer. Ions are atoms that have a different number of electrons from the neutral atom.

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Q: What is the difference between a neutral atom an ion and an excited atom?
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Why an excited atom is electrically neutral?

Even an electron excited to a higher than normal energy level remains sufficiently close to the nucleus of its atom that the atom as a whole remains neutral.

What is the ground state electronic configuration of a neutral atom of element X?

It is the electron configuration of a neutral, not excited atom.

What is the difference between neutron and a electorns?

The difference between neutron are neutral, and electrons have a negative change too them. Neutron is a neutral particle that exists in the nucleus of an atom. The year when the neutron was founded was 1932.

What is HTE difference between an atom in the ground state and an atom in an excited state?

Atom in the ground state is stable but atom in excited state is not stable the main reason for this is their energies.Atoms in excited state has more energy so they undergo chemical reaction so they are not stable but atoms in ground state has less energy than the excited state so they dont undergo chemical reaction.

If an atom has 80 protons and 121 neutrons and is not in an excited state how many electrons does the atom have?

The number of electrons in a neutral atom is equal to the number of protons, which is 80 in this case. This is because in a neutral atom, the positive charge of the protons is balanced by the negative charge of the electrons.

According to Bohr's theory an excited atom would?

radiate energy

What happens when the electrons relax?

As excited electrons drop back to lower energy levels in the atom, photons having the energy of the difference between the two electron energy levels are emitted from the atom.

What is the number of electrons in a neutral atom equals?

In a neutral atom the number of electrons is equal to the number of protons. The opposite charge between protons and electrons is what allows for a neutral atom.

What is the difference between atomic mass?

The difference between an electrically neutral atom and an ion is that?

an electrically neutral atom has an equal number of protons and electrons, resulting in a balanced charge. An ion, on the other hand, has gained or lost electrons, causing it to have a net positive or negative charge.

What is the difference between the ground state of an atom and excited state of an atom?

The ground state of an atom is its lowest energy state, where electrons occupy their normal energy levels. When an atom is in an excited state, its electrons have absorbed energy and moved to higher energy levels, causing instability. The excited state is temporary, as the electrons will eventually return to their ground state by releasing the absorbed energy.