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.obj is a simple data-format file that represents 3D geometry alone. .exe is an executable file that usually contains other resources which are sometimes used for a Graphical User Interface. Being simple, its a file to perform indicated tasks according to encoded instructions.

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C Programming language doesn't say anything about obj and exe files.

On some platforms *.exe files are binary executables, and *.obj files are object modules.

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Q: What is the difference between a obj file and an exe file in C?
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What are the file created after c file is save?

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Whenever you save a project it automatically saves a .exe of it. Go to My Documents -> Visual Studio 2005/2008 -> Projects -> "Choose your Project" -> Click on the folder with the name as your project -> obj -> Debug There should be an .exe file with the name of your project in it, or something like "Windows Application 1.exe". Double click on it.

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File Viruses infect applications. These viruses usually infect COM and/or EXE programs, though some can infect any program for which execution or interpretation is requested, such as SYS, OVL, OBJ, PRG, MNU and BAT files. System Sector Viruses infect executable code found in certain system areas on a disk. Macro Virus a program or code segment written in the internal macro language of an application and attached to a document file (such as Word or Excel).

How loaders and leaders are an integral part for the execution of the program?

Loader loads programs from executable files into memory, preparing them for execution and then executing them. The loader is usually a part of the operating system's kernel and usually is loaded at system boot time and stays in memory until the system is rebooted, shut down, or powered off. Some operating systems that have a pageable kernel may have the loader in the pageable part of memory and thus the loader sometimes may be swapped out of memory. Linker is one which link the hard ware to software installed in a computer. EX- source code(.c) is compiled and converted into object code(.obj) in C. After this Linker comes into the act, linker resolve all the references in .obj file via linking them to their respectives codes and resources.In short linker performs the final step to convert .obj into executable or machine readable file(.exe). eg: #include<stdio.h> int main() { printf("ashwin"); return 0; } here,compiler first searches the declaration for "printf()" function,finds it in "#include<stdio.h>" and creates a (.obj) file successfully. A symbol table is created in (.obj) file which contains all the references to be resolved,linkers resolves them by providing respective code or resource, here code referred by "printf" also gets executed after successful creation of( .exe) file by linker.

Which program produces the obj file assembly or C plus plus?

A compiler produces object code, which is an obj file.

How will you recover a file if it is OBJ file and you want to change it to CPP file?

You cannot. Object code files are machine code files that have yet to be linked. There is no way to convert object code back to its original source code.

How do you instantiate in vbnet?

dim obj as object obj = new object();

Where does Odell Beckham Jr. live?

OBJ lives in Louisiana.

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Differce between linker and loader?

#)Linker is a program that takes one or more objects generated by a compiler and combines them into a single executable program. #)Loader is the part of an operating system that is responsible for loading programs from executables (i.e., executable files) into memory, preparing them for execution and then executing them.

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