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A compiler produces object code, which is an obj file.

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C++ isn't a a program, it is a language. C++ compiler does generate object module, either directly or indirectly (first generates Assembly source, then invokes Assembler).

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Q: Which program produces the obj file assembly or C plus plus?
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How do you convert from assembly to binary in c plus plus?

Use inline assembly instructions. Then compile your C++ program to produce the machine code.

Is it possible to write a C plus plus or java program to draw an activity flow diagram given the sequence as a text file input and store the diagram in an output file?

Yes, this is possible.

What c plus plus program must be saved in a text with the extension cpp?

The .cpp extension is merely conventional; it is not required by the C++ standard. You can actually use any file extension you wish.

Is there a file concept in c plus plus?

No. The standard does not define nor require a file concept.

Is there an answer book for the A plus program?

The A Plus Program is an initiative, not a test. So no, there is no answer book.

Related questions

How do you convert from assembly to binary in c plus plus?

Use inline assembly instructions. Then compile your C++ program to produce the machine code.

How do you translate C plus plus expression to assembly language?

The easiest way is to place a breakpoint in your program, then examine the assembly instructions at that breakpoint. Consult your IDE on how to look at the assembly source.

Can you read a file after created by a program in C plus plus?

Yes. You can either create a file for both reading and writing, or you can re-open a file for reading after creating and writing to it.

How to complete this C plus plus End Of File controlled while loop program?

Add the missing parts.

Can you rewrite a cuda file in c c plus plus language?

Yes, you can rewrite a cuda program originally written in c in c plus plus.

Is assembly harder than C plus plus?

yes. coz assembly is procedural orinted , due to rules n regulations and restriction which make program lengthy , cumbersome, platform independent , project infeasibility,......

Is it possible to write a C plus plus or java program to draw an activity flow diagram given the sequence as a text file input and store the diagram in an output file?

Yes, this is possible.

Any program in c plus plus without using any header file?

For example: int main (void) { return 0; }

How can print screen output in borland c plus plus?

Redirect the output to a file via the command line. Print the file. For example, if the program is named foo.exe, the output can be redirected to a file named foo.txt with the following command: foo.exe > foo.txt Everything sent to std::cout by the program will now be sent to the file instead. Everything sent to std::cerr will be displayed on screen as normal.

How do you include classes and structures in header files in c plus plus?

Classes and structures can be put in a header file the same way you would use them in a main program; the only difference is that they are placed in a separate file, called a header file. Then, after creating a new file, include that new file with the definition by the use of the preprocessor #include statement.

How do you install curses header file in fedora Linux in order to use getch function in a c an c plus plus program?

dnf install ncurses-devel

What is the assembler of java c plus plus c and

There is no such thing. An "assembler" is a program that converts assembly language code, into machine language. Other programming languages have a "compiler", which is more or less equivalent.