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A primary lesion occurs as a result of a spontaneous manifestation of a pathological process - includes macules, papules, nodules, tumours, plaque, vesicles, bullae, pustules, wheals, burrows and telangiectasia

A secondary lesion occurs as a result of the evolution of a disease, or from external trauma - they may evolve from primary lesions - includes scales, crust, atrophy, lichenification, erosion, excoriation, fissure, ulceration, scars, eschars, keloids

If it is hard to distinguish just think that if you don't look after a disease, or skin condition correctly then secondary skin problems can occur - just like how if you don't apply moisture to sunburn it can blister and peel

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Q: What is the difference between a primary lesion and a secondary lesion?
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What is the different between primary and secondary lesions?

primary lesion is a macule, papule, pustlie, vesicle secondary lesion is a ulcer, crust, scar, skin atrophy, excoriation

What kind of secondary skin lesion is an excoriation?

A hollow, crusted area caused by scratching or picking at a primary lesion.

An example of a primary lesion?

A primary lesion includes abscesses, ulcers and tumors.

What kind of secondary skin lesion is an erosion?

Lesion that involves loss of the epidermis.

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erythroplakia is a RED lesion that cannot be wiped away. erythroleukoplakia is a RED and WHITE speckled lesion that cannot be wiped away. in general, a red lesion has a worse prognosis than a white lesion. always perform a biopsy.

How long does it take for stage two pinta to develop?

The second stage of pinta occurs between one and 12 months after the primary lesion stage.

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What is the difference between a pustule and a vesicle -?

vesicle is a raised skin lesion that contain serous fluid. this serous fluid may contain traces of blood or pus. while pustules are raised skin lesion that contain only pus.

What is the difference between a pustule and a vesicle?

vesicle is a raised skin lesion that contain serous fluid. this serous fluid may contain traces of blood or pus. while pustules are raised skin lesion that contain only pus.

What are the first symptoms of pinta?

The first sign of infection is a red, scaly, slowly enlarging bump on the skin. This is called the "primary lesion." The primary lesion usually appears at the site where the bacteria entered the skin. This is often on the arms, legs, or face.

Where are pinta primary lesions typically found?

The primary lesion usually appears at the site where the bacteria entered the skin. This is often on the arms, legs, or face.