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Q: What is the difference between a response bt the nervous system and a response by the endocrine system?
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Why is the nervous system so slow compared to the endodrine system?

It's not, the nervous system is much faster than the endocrine system.The nature of the messages. The nervous system's messages are transported as electrical impulses/neurotransmitters, whereas the endocrine system transports messages as hormonesThe transport of the messages. The messages in the nervous system are transported along the membrane of neurons. The endocrine system transports hormones though the bloodstreamBecause of this, the nervous system usually produces a response within milliseconds, whereas the endocrine system may take seconds to days to respond. The duration of the response also differs between the two systems, the nervous system stops quickly after the stimulant stops, but the endocrine response may continue after the stimulus is removed.

What two body system are active during the stress response?

your nervous system and you endocrine

What is the intermediary between the nervous system and the endocrine system?


Neurotransmitter released in response to stress?

The endocrine system releases adrenaline when the nervous system experiences stress

Which two organ systems are most important in maintaining homeostasis?

The nervous and endocrine systems bear the major responsibility for ensuring homeostasis.

What do both the endocrine and nervous systems allow you to do?

The endocrine and nervous systems allow your body to regulate body functions. The endocrine system does so through hormones, and the nervous system through nervous impulses.

What are the two systems of the body involved in the indirect communication of cells?

endocrine (slow chemical messages, transported in the blood) or nervous (extremley fast electical messages transported via neurones)

What body system detects a stimulus and creates a response?

im not sure but i think it's the nervous system

What endocrine gland is part both the nervous and the endocrine systems?

The hypothalamus is part of both the endocrine and nervous systems. This structure is found in the brain.

What Endocrine gland is part of both the nervous and endocrine systems?

The hypothalamus is part of both the endocrine and nervous systems. This structure is found in the brain.

What endocrine gland is part of both the nervous and the endocrine system?

The hypothalamus is part of both the endocrine and nervous systems. This structure is found in the brain.

What region of the diencephalon provides an important link between the endocrine and nervous systems?
