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Q: What is the difference between a soluble and solute?
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There is no such thing as a soluble precipitate A precipitate a solid that is formed in a chemical reaction, therefor only a insoluble precipitate can occur, and the soluble would remain as a soluble solution. The difference between a soluble and insoluble precipitate is that a insoluble precipitate is incapable of dissolving in a liquid, and a solid is formed in the reaction, where as the soluble substance will dissolve in the liquid.

Explain the difference between solvents and solutes?

The solute is the substance being dissolved. The solvent is the substance that does the dissolving. There is usually more solvent than solute involved.

What is a soluble?

The solute will dissolve

What is difference between soluble insoluble?

it cannot be solved because it is soluble

Are solutes soluble or insoluble?

A solute is soluble, the clue is in the name.

What is the solute and the solvent of DDT?

DDT as solute is soluble in organic solvents.

What happens to a solution when solute is added?

If the solute is soluble, it will dissolve in the solvent.

A solute can be infinitely soluble in a solvent?


What is the difference between soluble and insoluble?


What is the difference between solvent and solute?

Solvent is a substance that dissolves a solute to form a solution. Solute the substance that dissolves in a solvent.

What is the difference between solute and insolube?

A solute is something that is soluable. The dissolve in what is called the solvent. So a solute has a degree of solubility.