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There really aren't many differences. The overall body shape is the same, their diets are the same, and a domestic cat will eat and hunt food in much the same manner as a wild one.

There are some differences, though. The main difference is that wild cats cannot be domesticated, whereas domestic cats have evolved and adapted to live alongside humans. Wild cats vary wildly in size, from smaller than a domestic cat to many times bigger, whereas domestic cats are mostly similar in size. Some coat patterns found on a domestic cat are never found in the wild, such as coloured points found on a Siamese cat.

Big cats, such as lions, tigers and leopards, can roar but cannot purr, but smaller species of wild cat can indeed purr just like our domestic cats.

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11y ago
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12y ago

The answer is simple. A wild animal belongs in the wild away from people. Domestic animals usually live with people. Although for an animal to be considered 'domestic' it has to have been in captivity for a long time. And I mean like 100s of years.

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13y ago

Well, they both hve the same characteristics. It depends if you mean just wild cats or like wild wild cats like lions and tigers and stuff. Just wild cats are about a quarter of a metre longer and wild cats like lions and stuff are way larger and stronger. Does that answer your question?

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12y ago

House cats are basically just calmer and more people-friendly than wild cats. In fact, the first domestic cats came from Egypt. They were first tamed by people stealing kittens from litters of Egyptian wildcats. But there are records of cats tamed before that. So in short, house cats love humans since most were born into captive lives. Wild cats were born outside of human contact or containment and develop a fear of humans.

As far as psychical appearances and basic needs go, there isn't much difference. Wild cats and domestic cats are hunters, so have powerful muscles for pouncing and killing prey. They both also have the same diet - they get all their nutritional needs from meat.

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7y ago

There are 37 species of cat and the house cat is but one species. The rest are wild animals, tigers, lions, bobcats, jaguars, etc., that live in the wild.

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7y ago

Wild cats are just that - non domesticated felines such as lions, bobcats, cheetahs. Domestic cats are domestic animals - household pets.

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13y ago

A wild dog is not used to human contact domestic ones arel

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Q: What are the differences between wild cats and domestic cats?
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In means of domestic cats, they are related the the wild cats.

How are cats the same as other cats?

because they have tails :Pfor one, they are ANATOMICALLY identical. plus they have similar Biology. and cat to cat they are the same! only when you compare domestic cats to wild cats do you find differences.some wild cats have similarities to each other, the servile and cheetah have the vary close markings but cheetahs are built to run, while servile are built to jump. the body in wild cats is much more visible breed to breed but in domestic cats to domestic cats only slight differences are in the build, like a Siamese is likely to have a thinner face and frame then say a tabby.

Why do cats hunt?

Cats either domestic or wild felines hunt for the purpose for food, without it they would starve( wild feline) or would not have enough nutrition (domestic).

Why do wild cats avoid humans?

They are probably scared of humans. Unlike domestic cats, wild cats are not raised with humans. Hope this helped!

Are cats cousins to wild cats?

Wild cats and domestic cats all come from the family Felidae and are all related.Yes, they're all distant relatives.

How many types of cats are there living in the wild?

There are 36 species of wild cats and one species of domestic cat.

What kind of wild cats live in Greece?

The only cat indigenous to Greece is the wild cat. There are thousands of cats living in the country, but they are all domestic cats.

Do cats prey on rabbits?

Yes. Cats (feral, wild, or domestic) prey upon rabbits when they can.

Can domestic cats breed with other small wild cats?

No. Domestic cats (Felis catus) and cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus)aren't even in the same genus (they are in the same family, Felidae, however). Interbreeding between two separate genuses is impossible.