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Think of what steps a human life form must go through between being conceived and being born. Zygote, being the earliest stage of development, and a fetus being the last stage of development before birth.

A zygote is the initial cell formed after a sperm and egg have joined.

A blastocyst begins at day 5 in mammals after fertilization.

This all occurs during the first week of being conceived.

After the first week, the developing life form becomes an embryo, and the embryo is the stage where DNA is built..

After week 9 in a human lifeform, it is considered a fetus. This is where vital organs and bone begin to form.

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Q: What is the difference between a zygote and a blastocyst?
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How many weeks into pregnancy does the zygote appear?

For humans, a zygote will become a blastocyst after about four days. A human zygote typically exists for only four or five days. After becoming a blastocyst, the cells becomean embryo.See the related links below for more information about zygotes and blastocysts.

How long does zygote last?

It lasts 3-5 days until the zygote divides into a blastocyst.

What is difference a ovu zygote embryo fetus?

There really isn't much difference between a zygote, embryo, and fetus. A zygote forms after fertilization and becomes an embryo, which later becomes a fetus.

How old does a zygote have to be to get stem cells?

In order to obtain stem cells, an embryo must be in the blastocyst stage.

What is the difference between a zygote embryo and fetus?

Fetus zygote is not the term to use. A zygote is a fertilized egg. An embryo is a developing baby. A fetus is a baby before it is born.

What is the difference between a fetus zygote and an embryo?

Fetus zygote is not the term to use. A zygote is a fertilized egg. An embryo is a developing baby. A fetus is a baby before it is born.

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