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The difference would be the amount of genetic diversity. An algal monoculture would have greater genetic diversity because it is made up of millions of uniquely individual algae. In contrast, a unialgal culture maintains only the genetic diversity of the single individual from which it was cloned.

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Q: What is the difference between algal monoculture and unialgal culture?
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What is the difference between pure culture and auxanic culture?

A pure culture is one in which only one kind of microbial species is found whereas in mixed culture two or more microbial species formed colonies.

What is difference between tissue culture cell culture and organ culture?

to culture any organ , tissue or cell from single cell called cell culture. to grow any tissue or organ from a tissue called tissue cultured. and formation of any organ from source organ is called organ culture. in short according to the source of culture any cultured are named.

What is difference between a lawn culture and streak plate?

Alsalam alkom There is a difference between the two term (lawn culture and streak culture), if you used a loop for making new culture from primary culture you called that streaking method (like ABC streaking method), while if you used swab and streaked almost all the plate then, you can say (lawn culture).. In conclusion to the above 1- streaking is used to purify the bacterial culture (i.e to make well isolated colony) 2- lawn culture is used for antibiotic sensitivity tests Ali Maki .

What result from Griffith experiment suggested that the cause of pneumonia was not a chemical poison released by the diseases causing bacteria?

The difference between "walking pneumonia" and "true pneumonia".

What is the difference between oven and an incubetor?

an oven is used to heat up a material but cannot be used for growth, an incubator is used for the growth of bacterial culture, it provides the environment for bacteria and other cultures to grow.

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