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An annular tear is a tear that affects the spine, usually in the radial disc. An annular rent is moderate disc desiccation, which could lead to a tear,

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6d ago

An annular rent refers to a partial tear in the outer layer of the intervertebral disc, while an annular tear involves a complete tear through the outer layer. Both conditions can result in Back pain and may require medical intervention for relief.

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What is posterior annular tear?

A posterior annular tear is a painful condition in which the annulus, or the part of the spine that holds the nucleus in place tears.

What is left foraminal annular tear?

A left foraminal annular tear is when the annulus fibrosus rips or tears. The annulus fibrosus is the tough exterior of the intervertebral disc.

What causes an Posterior annular tear of L5-S1?

A posterior annular tear is a tear in the ligament fibers that cover the inner core of a disc. The discs separate each vertebra in your spine. A posterior annular tear in the L5-S1 discs indicates the location in which these tears occur. L5 is the fifth and lowest of the lumbar vertebra and the S1 is the first and highest sacral vertebra.

Is an annular tear considered degenerative disc disease?

An annular tear of the disc is, generally speaking, traumatic. However, over time, this can lead to degenerative disease of the affected disc or discs.

What is a posterior annular tear in L5 S1 disc mean?

A posterior annular tear is a tear in the ligament fibers that cover the inner core of a disc. The discs separate each vertebra in your spine. A posterior annular tear in the L5-S1 discs indicates the location in which these tears occur. L5 is the fifth and lowest of the lumbar vertebra and the S1 is the first and highest sacral vertebra.

How long does it take for an annular tear to heal?

it hurts ur back

Difference between compartmental fault and tear fault?

It is the same

What and where is an annular tear which is related to my cervical spine MRI?

The bony spine is made up of bones which stack one upon another. These bones are called vertebrae. These vertebrae are separated from each other by discs. There is a disc between every 2 vertebrae. The discs are hockey-puck-shaped cushions with a capsule very much like nylon tape, filled with a jelly-like subsance (called the nucleus pulposus). A herniated disc is a disc which has a tear in the capsule, from which protrudes some of the jelly-like substance. An annular tear is a tear in the disc. This is what the radiologist says you have when he sees a tear in the disc but nothing protruding through it. The question of whether an annular tear can actually cause pain is controversial. Some authorities say it can, some say it can't.

What is central annular tear of L4-5 disc?

The discs in-between the bones of the spine are composed of a tough and fibrous outer layer called the annulus fibrosis and a gelatinous inner layer called the nucleus pulposus.  Sometimes that outer layer can tear, just like you can get a tear in any ligament or tendon in your body.  When that tear occurs at the back fo the disc, but right in the center, it is called a central annular tear.   If the tear is bad enough the inner material (nucleus pulposus), this is a herniated disc.  L4-5 is the second to lowest disc in the spine, if this disc herniates out it can affect the L5 nerve root.

What does rent your clothes in the bible means?

Tear it

What does small annular rent with a central disc protrusion mean?

The disc between two vertebra has two parts. One inside is softer than the one around it. This second one is called the annulus. There is a small tear in this part. The central section is also protruding (sticking out). Both are pressing on a spinal nerve. See the link below for a visual: