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Any foreign particle interact with Antibody or T cell is antigen. Interaction is non-covalent and highly specific.

Antigen that evoke immune response is called Immunogen. An immunogen usually has a fairly high molecular weight (usually greater than 10,000), thus, a variety of macromolecules such as proteins,lipoproteins, polysaccharides, some nucleic acids, and certain of the teichoic acids, can act as immunogens.

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An antigen is a substance that can be recognized by the immune system, triggering an immune response. An immunogen is a specific type of antigen that is capable of eliciting an immune response by inducing the production of antibodies. Not all antigens are immunogens, but all immunogens are antigens.

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Q: What is the difference between antigen and immunogen?
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Differences between immunogen and antigen?

An immunogen is a substance that triggers an immune response, leading to the production of antibodies or activated immune cells. An antigen, on the other hand, is a molecule that can bind to antibodies or T-cell receptors to induce an immune response. Not all antigens are immunogens, as some antigens may not elicit an immune response, while all immunogens are antigens.

What is the difference between widal slide test Antigen and widal tube test antigen?

The main difference between the Widal slide test antigen and the Widal tube test antigen lies in the method of reaction visualization. In the Widal slide test, the reaction is observed on a glass slide under a microscope, whereas in the Widal tube test, the reaction is seen in small test tubes. Both tests detect antibodies against specific Salmonella antigens, but differ in their setup and visual interpretation.

What is the difference between a antigen and a processed antigen?

An antigen is a molecule that can trigger an immune response, while a processed antigen is an antigen that has been broken down into smaller fragments and presented to immune cells, like T cells, by antigen-presenting cells, such as dendritic cells. Processing of antigens allows the immune system to recognize a wide variety of antigens and generate specific immune responses.

What is antigen binding?

Antigen binding is the specific interaction between an antigen (a foreign substance) and an antibody or T-cell receptor. This binding is essential for the immune system to recognize and target pathogens for elimination. It plays a key role in initiating immune responses and forming immune memory.

Which of the following is not an antigen that may be found on the surface of an erythrocyte a A antigen b B antigen c O antigen d Rh antigen?

The O antigen is not an antigen that may be found on the surface of an erythrocyte. A and B antigens are present in the ABO blood group system, while the Rh antigen is part of the Rh blood group system. O blood type individuals lack A and B antigens on their red blood cells.

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All immunogen are antigen but all antigen are immunogen?

An Immunogen is foreign particle that triggers the body's immune system where as Antigen is also a foreign particle , due to its low molecular weight it is unable to trigger immune system. Example for antigen is Hapten

What are antigen types?

Some antigen types include bacterium and immunogen.

Is an antibodie an antigen?

An antibody is a glycoprotein that is produced by plasma cells. It consists of heavy chains and light chains. An antigen is a molecule that interacts with an antibody (or T-Cell). When the antigen interaction induces an immune response it is known as an immunogen.

What is the difference between soluble and particulate antigen?

A soluble antigen is a viral antigen that remains after the virus has been removed. A particulate antigen is produced by particles such as dust and germs.

Differences between immunogen and antigen?

An immunogen is a substance that triggers an immune response, leading to the production of antibodies or activated immune cells. An antigen, on the other hand, is a molecule that can bind to antibodies or T-cell receptors to induce an immune response. Not all antigens are immunogens, as some antigens may not elicit an immune response, while all immunogens are antigens.

What Is the difference between antigen binding site and paratope?

Antigen binding site or epitope is a part of an antigen that is recognized by the antibody. Paratope is a part of an antibody that binds on epitope.

What is the most effective immunogen?

the most effective immunogen is proteins

What is the function of adjuvant in immune response?

When mixed with an immunogen, it enhances the immune response against the immunogen

What are factors affecting antigenicity?

mention factors affecting antigenicity 1) molecular weight of antigen. e.g. protein is a good antigen as compare to lipid or nucleic acid. 2) invecivness of antigen, that is due to toxins or chemicals secreted by the antigen 3) degredibility: antigen should be degreted in body so that body immune system can react against them. 4) complexicity of antigen

What happens when the epidermis and the dermis are destroyed?

difference between an antibody and an antigen

What is the difference between antigens and pathogen's?

An antigen is a body's system for creating antibodies to fight infection. A pathogen is an infectious agent (or germ).

What is the relationship between antigen and antibody?

Basically to explain this, an antigen is any type of pathogen that causes disease, while an antibody is something that combats against the antigen.