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Q: What is the difference between colic vs bloat in animals?
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What is Bloat in horses?

Horses don't get "bloat". This is a term reserved for ruminants (animals whose stomach has 4 compartments to it). Some people will also call colic bloat.

Can cow get colic?

No. But cows can get bloat. This happens when gas gets trapped in their rumen and causes the cow's rumen to expand. It can be fatal because it can press against the lungs and suffocate the cow.

What is the difference between Spasmotic Colic and Impaction Colic?

Spasmotic colic is where the gut is spasming, sort of like a belly ache. Impaction colic is the more dangerous of the two, and it happens when there is an impaction in the gut somewhere. This can usually lead to surgery to remove the impaction.

What kind of animals can get colic?


How is colic caused?

Colic in animals can be caused by many different things like parasites or tapeworms. Most cases of colic are not serious and are the result of gas.

What is the difference between the two colics for horses?

Colic is a catch-all term for a stomach ache in horses. But it can be caused by many things not just 2 different types. Internal parasites, 'stones' comparable to gall stones in humans, twisted gut, sand colic are just a few of causes of colic in horses. Sometimes a reason is never discovered. I have a mare that used to colic once a year and I never knew what caused the problem.

What is colic fever?

This intense type of crying in a baby between at least three weeks and three months of age is known as colic.

What is the difference between impaction colic and spasmotic colic?

A spasmotic colic occurs when the small intestines of the horse cramp for various reasons. It most commonly occurs when a horse is allowed to drin too much cold water while he is still hot from exercise. An impaction colic is when a horse's intestine becomes blocked by a foreign object (usually sand or dirt that it ingests while eating). The inner lining becomes irritated and inflamed by the obstruction and thusly the intestinal tract grows smaller and doesn't allow food behind the blockage to pass. This is not to be confused with Worm colic as worms are not considered a foreign object and treatment for the two cases are not the same.

What is spasmotic colic?

Colic is the term for abdominal pain of any origin. Spasmotic colic is colic thought to be caused by intense cramps or 'spasms' of the intestines.

What is the structure between the ascending and transverse colon?

The right colic (hepatic) flexure.

How tall is Zdravko Colic?

Zdravko Colic is 184 cm.

What doese a horse have when it paws the ground looks at its sides and lays downis it spasmotic colic or impaction colic?

impaction colic