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Q: What is the difference between culinary arts and culinary science?
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What is the difference between culinary arts and culinary skills?

Culinary arts is the way you perfect your food. Culinary skills are skills that you preform skills like ex. knife skills Etc...

What is the difference between culinary arts and culinary management?

Culinary Management, in college, encompasses not only how to cook, but the legalities and guidelines to owning and running a restaurant. Culinary Arts is how to cook and serve gourmet foods.

What branch or field of science is culinary arts?


What is a college degree for a chef?

I believe a it's a degree in culinary science.

What is the difference between culinary arts and baking and pastry arts?

Culinary Arts covers a combination of everything including meats, pasta, sauces, soups and wine. Baking however is strictly baking, this includes breads, cookies, cakes, and pastries.

What is the difference between science and arts?

the reproducible facts concerned with matter is called science. painting,fashion,dancing etc are arts.

What are the difference between culinary and HRM course?

Culinary is for cooking dishes with arts or style. While HRM is to manage the restaurant with knowledge also on cooking, but it's focusing on management .

What is the difference between arts and science?

Science is the study of physical and natural surroundings. Arts is the expression or drawing of human creative skill and imagination.

What is the difference between a bachelor of science degree in finance and a bachelor of arts in finance?

The difference between the bachelor of science and the bachelor of arts is that the science degree has more course requirements that focus on finance. The BA will require more general education courses.

Is there a difference between a culinary arts degree and an associate of science degree?

An associate of science degree is a general degree type from which many specific programs (majors) of study fall. Culinary arts is one of those specific programs of study. However, colleges and universities offering this program are rare. The training required for this field is most prevalent to vocational and private schools, although many receive their training on-the-job.

What is relation of arts and science in culinary?

u need to to have a presentable thats why drs an art.

Does Philippine Women's University offers Culinary Arts?

Yes, Philippine Women's University offers a culinary arts program. It is it's own entity, the School of Food Science and Technology.