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Brewers yeast produces more alcohol and less CO2.

Bakers yeast produces more CO2 and less alcohol.

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Q: What is the difference between distillers yeast and regular yeast to bake with?
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How do you distinguish yeast from cervical fluid?

a yeast infection is most of the time itchy and sometimes smelly, if you are reallym intune to your body you can tell the difference between your regular smell and the yeast smell.

When making mash with malt does corn malt take the place of yeast?

No, the recipes that call for doing that are counting on wild yeast to do the job in place of adding distillers yeast.

What is difference brewers yeast and distillers yeast?

In theory you can use any strain of S. cerveccies in the winemaking process but the final results will vary.A distiller's yeast is bred to produce as high an alcohol content wash as is possible.Wine yeasts on the other hand are bred to produce some alcohol but to also enhance the the different flavours in the grape juice, usually tropical fruit like flavours in Whites and darker fruit flavours in Reds.In the interests of science this experiment would be worth a try, however expect the end product to taste "different" to what you may expect.

What is the difference between using boiled yeast and normal yeast in bread making?

It is classified as a fungi organism.

What is the difference between dry yeast and compresses yeast?

dry yeast does not become active until it is in contact with water fresh yeast is active all of the time

What is the difference between a bacterial and yeast cell?

Main difference is Bacteria are prokaryotes.Yeasts are eukaryotes.

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What is the difference between vegemite and promite?

Promite has latoise in there yeast extract where Vegemite does not

True or false the difference between an ale and a lager are the type of yeast used?


What is the main difference between quick and yeast bread?

Quick breads are leavened with baking powder or baking soda. Yeast breads are leavened with yeast, and require more time to rise.

How to concert plain flour in selfrising flour?

the difference between the two are that self rising has yeast in it. so all you have to do is get some yeast and mix it with the flour.

Is a yeast cell a eukarytotic cell?

There is no difference, Yeast are eukaryote cells...