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by the earths rotation around the sun and the pattern in day and night and how the earth moves and how the earth revolves and rotate around the sun.

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Q: What is the difference between earth's rotation and facing time?
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How is this time difference related to earths rotation?

Time difference on Earth depends on which parts of the earth are facing the sun, the parts facing directly too the sun would be in mid day/12am and the opposite side of this would me at midnight/12pm and so on.

What is difference between rotation ands revolution?

A revolution is when you move 360 degrees or start facing in one direction and turn completely around until you reach where you started or 720 degrees. Basically turning until your facing the same place you started. A rotation is when you turn any number of degrees like 900 or 180. It could be a revolution. A rotation can be a revolution but not always is but all revolutions are rotations.

What is the difference between pronation and supination?

Pronation is a inward rotation of the arm or the foot, supination is an outward rotation (the opposite).Pronation roughly means downward facing. Examples of this would be turning your palms down towards the floor or lying on your stomach.

What time is earths facing the sun?


Effect of rotation in facing the sun?

1/2 day

How does rotation affect rotation?

When the earth moves, the sun is left behind, so half of the earth is not facing the sun. Dumbo

How often do you see the far of the moon?

You never see the far side of the moon. Somewhat coincidently the moon has an angular rotation as the earths rotation, and therefore the same side of the moon is always facing earth. The far side is never seen. To the extent that the rotations are not exact, there may be a slight variation over many, many years.

How much time does Saturn take to complete one full rotation?

The sidereal rotation period of Saturn (the time between a point on the planet facing a certain distant reference point) is 10 hours, 32 minutes and 35 seconds.

Why does summer occur in the northern hemisphere and winter in the southern hemisphere?

Because Earths axis isn't in alignment with the sun's axis. Rather it is tilted, so during part of the earths orbit around the sun, the northern hemisphere receives sunlight that is more nearly perpendicular to the earths surface. Then when Earth is on the exact opposite side of the sun the opposite applies. Earths rotation around the sun is completely independent of its daily rotation, so its North to South axis remains in a completely fixed position during its entire rotational cycle. (There is a significant wobble, but it has a period of 26,000 years).

What is the relationship between a planets movement and a planets rotation and revolution?

Each year, the planet moves one full rotation around the sun, a movement. Each day, the planet revolves once, that's why in the day there is light because you are facing the sun, but when the earth revolves some more it is facing away from the sun eliminating the sun's light.

What effect rotation when facing away from the sun?

1/2 night time

What is the most threatening factor facing the earths environment?

Justin Bieber